Htd gw-sl1 / mc-66

Thanks to all contributing to this integration!! I am moving from Homeseer (which has a HTD plugin that works perfectly) over to Home Assistant as Homeseer crashes and is buggy.

Now my issue, I have followed the above directions, and was able to reboot the system. As I am fairly new to HA, I don’t see any Entities or Devices that I can utilize. I have the Lync 12 and here is the section I have in my configuration.yaml.

My issue appears to be that there is something incorrect as when attempting to restart HA I am getting the error
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: htd_lync12 - Integration 'htd_lync12' not found.

Any assistance appreciated on how to get HTD control to my frontend!!

  - host:
      - Great Room
      - Rear Deck
      - Cindy Office
      - John Office
      - Julia Bedroom
      - Master Bedroom
      - Garage
      - Downstairs Family Room
      - Jack Bedroom
      - HTD 10
      - Dance Room
      - Guest Room

      - GR TV
      - Deck BT
      - C Ofc BT
      - John Ofc
      - Julia BT
      - Master TV
      - Garage TV
      - Family TV
      - Jack BR BT
      - Sauna BT
      - Dance BT
      - Guest BT
      - Google Cast
      - NA 14
      - NA 15
      - NA 16
      - Sonos
      - MP3 Player

This is my manifest.json

“domain”: “htd_lync12”,
“name”: “HTD Lync12 Series”,
“dependencies”: [],
“requirements”: [],
“version”: “1.0.0”

Does this integration include the Presets available in the HTD app? Thanks.

Hi All -

I see there’s a lot of activity and questions here. I am still supporting this Integration. I can comment on a few things.

  1. The way that the volume works is an unfortunate limitation with how the controller works. It only lets me set a value from 0 to 60. Based on how the increments work in Home Assistant, I have to convert this over to a number from 0 - 100, and you’ll lose precision. My suggestion would be to see if you can control the volume from another device. For example, I tend to keep my MCA at a higher volume and I use the ChromeCast to fine grain the volume.

  2. I see there’s another fork of this repo for the Lync12. I do not have this device but if it is what I think it is, then I think whoever has been heading this (I think @UngluedChalice?), then I think we should chat and I can help integreate the two together.

  3. I see a feature request for managing Presets, unfortunately, this is also another limitation with the controller. The presets for this device are managed by the App itself, and not the controller. Therefore, there’s no way for me to sync a command to the controller to load a preset. I would like to have more information about this request. I do not use the app at all since, well as you all probably know it’s dog shit. So … can you help explain to me how the presets feature works? Maybe I can replicate it as part of the integration.

  4. Lastly, as part of the latest update to comply with the new FeatureEnums, I am now officially supporting updates to the Integration via HACS and better support installation as well. I will also look into using config flows to see if I can discover the controller on the local network and automatically set it up for you. Check out my github for more information. GitHub - hikirsch/htd_mc-home-assistant: An integration for the HTD MC/MCA-66 Series for Home Assistant

Thanks all!



Hey All -

I’ve been working on a much more improved client to communicate with the HTD gateway. I have been able to see much improvement on the previous version. Here are some new updates. You’ll be able to install these updates by installing the pre-release v1.2.0-BETA.1.

  • the volume actually goes to 100% now! aside from this, setting the volume is also a lot better and more precise than it was before. i am still new to HASS and I think there’s even more I can do here, I’ll be asking the discord community for some tips.
  • improved communications - the way the client worked wasn’t exactly the way it should have been. after finding lounsbrough’ s MCA 66 client in PHP, I have been able to port over his logic into Python and clean up a lot of the innerworkings. thank you very much for your work!
  • retry logic - there are times the device just, doesn’t respond with an expected result. if this happens, we’ll try up to retry_attempts times (default is 3)
  • command_delay - ok, so if no one has told you guys yet, then let me say that the gateway isn’t the best thing out there. it… can’t handle requests quickly, therefore a delay is recommended inbetween every command. the default is 100ms. you can override this by setting command_delay.
  • support for Balance, Bass, Treble, Party Mode coming soon! to be honest, i don’t even know what Party Mode is, but also soon we’ll be able to set the Balance, Treble and Party Mode. I’m thinking I’m going to have support these features as Number entities since again, I’m not as familiar with HASS. If you have any better ideas, please feel free to suggest them.

That’s all for now. I’ll be testing these personally over the next few days and I’ll make a proper release to the stable channel once I can confirm things are worse than before.



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Awesome! Thank you so much!

Party mode just sets all zones to on. So you can turn the whole house on without going to every controller or doing it with automation