Hue discovered Light(s) don't go away after exclude hue

yes… but… I had it after install. then it “disappeared”. Then I added hassio: to the config file and now it’s there.

must be hassio

Ok, ssl should be pretty easy then.

setup a duck dns account

And then add the following add on and configure it. Directions should be in the addon page.

Depending on if you use a proxy or not, you may need to port forward 443 to 8123 for the HA ip.

Have seen that. But what if I do not want that? I have my own dns domain and initially I do not want to point my vm to the internet, internally only to start with. and for “home panel” I do need ssl. self signed is ok.

Then I believe you’d setup lets encrypt which is a separate library (add-on). I haven’t done that with my own DNS but that’s the route I would go.

It’s right below the DuckDNS add-on in the image I posted.

very good tip! had not seen that. will do, thank you!

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got it running. now home panel wont create an account… rain-drop :slight_smile:
Thank you for all support.


it’s been a while and since above I started all over with a fresh setup (HassOS 2.12) supervisor |Version|189|

I keep having this issue… I configured:

    - philips_hue
    - igd

But every time I keep getting the hue devices in my system. I go to “configuration - integration” and then I do see indeed:

I then "delete the hue by clicking on the arrow and the recycle bin and they are gone, but a while later they are back… what’s wrong?

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Really? This can’t be unique?

It’s not unique. Many people have this issue with many other integrations. It’s an issue with the UI integrations. It will be addressed at some point. Right now you’ll have to live with the devices or turn off discovery.

Turn off discovery… isn’t that what I did?

No, you still have discovery on. The entire section needs to be removed to turn off discovery. Ignoring no longer works for integrations that moved into the UI

Ehm… what do you mean with “Ignoring no longer works for integrations that moved into the UI”? Is it intentionally? Will it be working in the (near) future? If I turn off discovery what is the downturn? Will I need ro create every device manually then?

From what I’ve seen, yes.

No clue, but i’ve seen many complaints about it.

Things don’t get automatically discovered on restart. So everything needs to be manually discovered.
