I feel like I’ve made a mistake switching from a Hue Bridge to SkyConnect for my Hue bulbs. With the Bridge, lights always worked every time when integrated via HomeAssistant. But, with the upcoming changes in Phillip’s ToS requiring an account, I wanted to finally take the plunge into buying a SkyConnect and start setting things up fully locally with Zigbee. It’s horrible.
When turning on/off lights in a room, quite often one just won’t turn on or off. Sometimes, when trying to turn on/off a light in HomeAssistant, it just won’t do anything. If the Hue Bridge used Zigbee, then there shouldn’t be anything different, right?
Does having a lot of devices cause a potential problem? I’ve got 66 devices on my SkyConnect. From what I’ve read, Zigbee is a mesh, right?
I’ve read about making sure that there’s no interference with Wifi and Zigbee. My 2.4 Wifi networks are on channel 1 and my SkyConnect is on channel 24. If I’m correct, there should be no interference, right?
Any tips would be appreciated. Will provide and logs/etc. that are needed, I just honestly have no clue where to start.
Edit: As we speak, devices are just now “Unavailable”. Attempting to Reconfigure them results in failure every time. For things like Plugs, this is easy to remedy by putting back into pairing mode and repairing. For bulbs in the ceiling, this just simply isn’t feasible.