Hue motion sensor: How to set the timeout for occupancy?

How can I set the timeout for a Hue motion sensor (the SML003, it says), between occupancy and unoccupancy? These are two binary sensors, and there is some kind of timer to switch from occupancy to unoccupancy after motion is no longer detected.

In the Hue bridge, I vaguely remember this timeout could be configured using a simple input field. I can’t access the official app anymore, and in All4Hue I can’t find it, so maybe it’s not possible and I’m just derping out here. Either way, wouldn’t it be nice if this timeout were configurable? It is a timeout of sorts, right? Maybe I totally misunderstand how such a sensor works…

For now though, I found some values in “Manage Zigbee Device” in the PhilipsOccupancySensing cluster. I’m not sure how these clusters and attributes work exactly, but something like pir_o_to_u_delay seems promising, except its current configured value is 0. I’m not sure that that’s right, but it could be, I guess.

Does anybody know if I’m even looking in the right direction? What is the correct cluster/attribute to set? And also, maybe somebody knows what the unit of measure is. I’m guessing seconds, but it could be some device-specific thing for all I know.

I’m using the ZHA integration with a SkyConnect stick. Not sure if this matters.

Could I ask why you want to change this?

I have the same question. Using the Hue motion outdoor sensot.

Just switched from zigbee2mqtt to ZHA and now I’m missing this option to set the occupancy delay.
In z2m it was a setting like sensitivity anfd LED indicator.

The reason for using it is simple. I want to keep my existing automations which trigger on occupancy on or off.

Example is the light in the driveway. Turn on when motion detected, then a timeout of 2min and then turn off again when it goes back to the normal state.
With this the automation stays simple and i do not need to put any delay in the automation.

Further reason is also simple, the device provides this setting (see z2m page) so why not implement it in ZHA?

Found a promising answer:

They plan to integrate it. And also a confirmation that pir_o_to_u_delay is the right value to set via cluster

Simply because the default timeout is too short. It makes sense to me that this is configurable. It’s a user preference setting, innit.

Thank you for figuring this out. Hopefully it will also apply to the SML003. So when I change this value, will my change be picked up automatically when it’s integrated or will it revert to a known default? I guess I’ll find out :slight_smile:
Do you also happen to know what unit (seconds, etc) is expected there?

I had found that one as well, but it seemed like a different scenario to me. Also, technically speaking it’s a different model of sensor.

Sorry, I don’t see the problem. The motion sensor only provides the trigger. The time the light stays on is set by an automation. There’s an example in Community Guides which will work with any motion sensor:

Regarding the unit, I did not have the chance to test it until now. But I will try it out today/tomorrow. First thing I will try to set it in seconds.

I hadn’t been able to find a solution to this, but @thany was right on the money.
The default value for pir_o_to_u_delay is 0, which results in roughly a 1min delay on my Hue Motion sensors. Changing this value to 10 resulted in a 10s timeout.

Steps that worked for me:
Settings → Devices → Zigbee Home → Click Devices
Select a Philips Motion Sensor

  • Device Info → 3 Dots → Manage Zigbee Device
  • Clusters - Select → Philips Occupancy Sensing (Endpoint id:2, Id: 0x0406, Type: in)
  • Attributes - Select → pir_o_to_u_delay (id: 0x0010)
  • Set Value to 10 for 10 seconds
  • Write Attribute

If you now click Read Attribute, it now responds back with 10.

Hope this helps.