Hue motion sensors + remotes: custom component

Went through the whole thread and didn’t see this, soooo how can I show temp in Fahrenheit?

Use a template sensor to break out the temperature attribute and convert to Farenheit

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I was testing and comparing automation using the hue motion sensor (open light when motion) with HomeKit and HA (your component).
Is it normal that Home kit automation is WAY FASTER to open the light on motion than doing it from HA? (maybe because the way it communicate with the sensor or something)
HK is less than a second and with HA, it can be 2 seconds…
Just wondering is this is something to live with or something I can optimize…


For F. sake please! that would be so awesome - Especialy the motion sensors for triggering automations and the remotes.
I’m to worried to change the working setup, its not broke, jet…

HK is a black box so I can’t make a comparison. What exactly have you been comparing — an automation in native HK with a native HA one?

Sorry about post in wrong thread, reposted here: Hue lights show 'On' when in fact unreachable

Wrong thread

I didn’t plan to compare it, I started my home setup with Apple Homekit.
in one room, I had a simple setup that opens the light when motion is detected (Hue sensor).
This automation never had delay opening the light when motion was detected.

Then I discovered HA :slight_smile:
I started configuring it and bit by bit using HA to replace what HK was doing.
When I saw your component, I finally was able to do the automation using HA but I got this bigger delay so I was wondering if it was normal…

My lights turn on immediately using this custom component. I’m using nodered for the automations, though

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I think hue pushes updates to Home Kit, HA needs to poll the bridge so it isn’t as responsive.

Hi, does this works only with hue sensors, or does it also works with other sensors? Do you need to have the custom ui for this to work?

I’m sorry, what does that mean?

Here is my automations for it (takes 3-5 sec to trigger the light)
I’m far from an expert here… it triggers the light when Hue motion sensor is ON, sends notification and closes the light after 5m the motion sensor is off…
If there is a better way, please share, thanks…

> - action:
>   - data:
>       message: Mouvement dans établi!!!
>       title: Home Assistant
>     service: notify.pushover
>   - data:
>       message: Mouvement dans établi!!!
>       title: Home Assistant
>     service: notify.email_sylvain
>   - data:
>       entity_id: switch.switch_etabli
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
>   alias: Mouvement établi
>   condition: []
>   id: '1523883421908'
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: sensor.capteur_motion_etabli
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
> - alias: Lumières établi OFF après 5 minutes sans mouvement
>   trigger:
>     platform: state
>     entity_id: sensor.capteur_motion_etabli
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>       minutes: 5
>   action:
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off
>     entity_id: switch.switch_etabli

ok, I feel stupid, I answered my own question by posting the automation… it sends the pushover notification and email before it triggers the light…
I removed the first two actions and it’s much better now…

Haha! I’m definitely using that icon_template code in my setup. Love it!


Is it normal the last_updated attribute on the Hue remote doesn’t change?
It detects the click changes but the last updated doesn’t change.

Based on suggestions here, my automations use it as trigger…

@sfnetwork you are the first to report that, please follow the debugging instructions.

ok, I think I got it to work (I updated to latest version of the component and include the API key in sensor instead of in the “”)

Now the last updated attribute changes but it seems to be showing UTC instead of EST for the time. (HA is set to EST)
Not a big deal, just curious. It doesn’t affect anything since I just need this to change when I click on the dimmer remote…

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I have detected some WARNINGS like these since I installed your custom component on hassio:

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Updating hue sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:00.100000

I have also detected the device tracker component marks the hue bridge as “away” very often. (is the component overloading the hue bridge)

How can I get rid of these warnings? Is there a recommended scan_interval to modify?


Hi this has come up before, changing scan_interval is the solution