I added frequently used settings pages to my sidebar (Entities, Automations, Integrations, etc.) Plus a one-click Restart button

I’m becoming crazy because what I want is way simplier but I can achieve that.

I have three instances of Z2MQTT in my system: two of them in proxmox through lxc and the other one in Hass, and I have panel_iframes for lxcs but I want to rename the sidebar entrance for hass z2mqtt, so I have zigbee1, zigbee2 and zigbee3, for instance.

However, I can’t find a way to change the default name of Zigbee2MQTT addon instance. Any help?

Edit: This is how I finally did it:

    - name: zigbee2mqtt
      sidebar_title: Z2MQTT Garaje
      sidebar_icon: mdi:zigbee
      js_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
      url_path: 45df7312_zigbee2mqtt/ingress  #This is what you see after your ip in the direction bar
      embed_iframe: true
      require_admin: true
        ingress: core_configurator

Hope somebody can use it.

thanks a lot for sharing. it worked great and is really useful.

As far as I’m concerned this does not work as expected.
I use two Zigbee2MQTT addons; one for the basement and a second one for the roof with separate coordinators.
If I add two panel_custom sections I see four Zigbee2MQTT links in the sidebar:

  • Zigbee2MQTT
  • Zigbee2MQTT
  • Z2MQTT basement
  • Z2MQTT roof

All four links work and lead to the corresponding addons.
As soon as I disable the show in sidebar option in both addon settings the original “Zigbee2MQTT” links disappear in the sidebar while the custom ones remain. (HA restart needed). That is my expected behaviour.
Unexpected: the links of both addons do not work any more. Both links throw me to the HA landing page now instead of leading to the corresponding Z2M frontend as they did before disabling “Show in sidebar”.

According to the Z2M documentation:

Enable ingress to have the frontend available in your UI: Settings → Add-ons → Zigbee2MQTT → Show in sidebar

I think the frontend is disabled as soon as “Show in sidebar” is disabled.
So I can either see four instances - all working, but two of them useless - or the custom links do not work or I stick with the original links without a chance to rename them.
Btw: “frontend: true” in the configuration.yaml of Z2M just starts the frontend using the default port 8080 IF “Show in sidebar” is enabled. It does not start it regardless of the sidebar setting. If a port is set, which must be done to run separate instances, “true” must be removed,

@SciBee @ManuelV you can use hass_ingress add sidebar panels.

    work_mode: hassio
    title: Zigbee2MQTT
    icon: mdi:zigbee
    url: 45df7312_zigbee2mqtt

you can also add other pages to sidebar with hass_ingress:

    require_admin: true
    work_mode: iframe
    ui_mode: replace
    title: Automations
    icon: mdi:robot
    url: /config/automation
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Works great after installing the Ingress Addon via HACS and adding the section to the HA configuration.yaml
Thank you for the hint :+1:

After hitting the restart button, is there a way to make it go back to the home page after you hit the restart button? It stays on the “Developer tools” page and shows an error even after it has restarted.


Great work !! Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

Does this still work as of 7/4/2024 on the latest HA? I just followed all this and nothing shows up in my sidebar :man_facepalming:

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any update on this? I’m trying to get this working but am having no luck

Thank you! I am new to HA ecosystem and I love it, however those shortcuts make configuration and build out much more convenient. I also learned a few things about the HAOS as well. TY for sharing once again!