I am getting so sick of Zigbee. Random disconnections basically every time I reboot

Which Zigbee channel are you using ?

Which Wifi channel ? Which frequency ?

Xiaomi devices do work well globally. However they have a big issue : they do not change of parent repeater.
If the parent is for instance a Philips or IKEA bulb which is swiched off and not plugged in anymore, the Xiaomi device will not look for another repeater until you manually tell it to do so.

Interesting, I wasn’t aware of this and will need to run some tests.
I have noticed some devices seem to be connecting to ‘strange’ repeaters, as in repeaters that are further away when there are others closer.

Good info, thanks.

To find the Zigbee channel in ZHA, I added the below code to my configuration.yaml and restarted Home Assistant.

  default: info
    # log level for zha
    homeassistant.components.zha: debug

Then look in the home-assistant.log file in the file editor (it should be below the configuration.yaml file by a few files/folders).

The home-assistant.log file line for me looks like this

2021-02-18 07:05:39 INFO (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Node type: EmberNodeType.COORDINATOR, Network parameters: EmberNetworkParameters(extendedPanId=20:c9:c0:fc:53:91:99:f0, panId=0x9ee9, radioTxPower=8, radioChannel=15, joinMethod=<EmberJoinMethod.USE_MAC_ASSOCIATION: 0>, nwkManagerId=0x0000, nwkUpdateId=0, channels=<Channels.ALL_CHANNELS: 134215680>)

If you do a search for “radioChannel” in the file, it should take you right to it.

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How you can manually tell it connect to another router?

Press device button once will order the device to try to connect to its parent router, and press the button for five seconds will ask it to look for any other suitable router.