I can't flash my esp 32

So I got my ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32 ESP-32S Development Board and now for some reason it wont be flashed and im not sure what to do. I’ve held down boot and it just shows a new error

The first thing I would check is to verify that you have a “data” cable. Very often those random USB cords you have lying around are charge only, depending on what they came with.

If you are certain that it is a data cable, I would suggest then sharing the errors you are getting.

i am an have use it to flash other esp 32’s with wled

Make sure you able to see the com # when you plug into the pc. Try different usb on pc.

when doing this
i end up getting this error

  • Flash Size: 4MB
    Unexpected error: The firmware binary is invalid (magic byte=FF, should be E9)

Not sure if this is helpful… Magic Byte Error · Issue #311 · esphome/esphome-core · GitHub

that seems to be right but the file i am uploading is a .bin is that not the correct one ?

this is the file im getting directly from esp home do i need to edit or retry making the file or something

When you choose to download, it should be asking you if you want a legacy header (for ESPHomeFlasher) or a more modern header. Choose LEGACY if you’re going to use ESPHomeFlasher.

thank you this worked

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