I cant restart due to UPDATER not found

After updating to 2022.5.0, I cant find any sensor.updater or was it binary_sensor.updater(?) but HA refuses now to restart.
The “Configuration validation” reports: “Integration error: updater - Integration ‘updater’ not found.” and refuses a restart.

Any ideas what’s going on or where I have to look for manually deleting something?


2022-05-05 08:15:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: updater - Integration 'updater' not found.
2022-05-05 08:15:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [281472782974352] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: updater - Integration 'updater' not found.
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: updater - Integration 'updater' not found.
2022-05-05 09:07:36 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for updater: Integration not found.

This was embarrassing. It was right there in my config.yaml. One thing for sure, text search in folders don’t work at this end.

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@Moderator: Can you paraphrase your solution? For some reason, all I see is a quote of the original problem, no details of what to do. Thanks!

Click on the topic title in the quoted post.

In your configuration.yaml delete the line that says “updater” it seems this was deprecated.


Thank you.