Pretty much a newbie to this. Been playing with HA on a Raspberry Pi 3B and an SD Card for the last 8 months. It’s a relatively small set up currently largely consisting of a Zigbee network of ikea devices, a tado heating system and some bits and pieces elsewhere.
Most of my automations are running through Zigbee2MQTT and Node Red.
The system is slowing down and is particularly slow at running its own updates. The Zigbee/NR/ automation response times often gets up to about 5-10 seconds for lights and blinds. I find the system won’t allow me to software reset (it cycles through this for hours), but if I unplug the system for 10 seconds, it goes through its boot process and within 5 mins the system is back alive and my automations are speedy again… for about 12 hours before I have to conduct the activity again! I’ve now automated this process by using a smart plug outside of HA to conduct this 12 hour cycle every day but know this is not a long term solution.
I figured this may just be a pure hardware problem so have purchased a Pi4, with an SSD. Would value any suggestions as to what has gone wrong - and whether when I get my new setup up and running, bringing the backup across will bring the same problems and whether I am better starting from scratch!
Also, pulling the power without doing a complete shutdown is not good for the system - it can cause file corruptions which lead to other bad things. Might want to do a file system check too a quick search produced this thread.
Not necessarily. It could be a good SD card with corrupted files due to repeatedly pulling the power without a proper shutdown. Also, without the support of logs and other diagnostic information, it does not necessarily explain/solve the original slowdown problem.
On the other hand, I would guess a fresh rebuild on a new SD card will solve the problem. And a fresh rebuild on the original SD card might solve the problem too. Or it might not…
I was having to do this as well. Shutting down a hot Pi remotely and restarting it is not good practice.
I finally ditched the SD card and went with an external M.2 SATA and never looked back.
Haven’t had the problem since.
Took the plunge today with a similar setup. So far blown away by the speed! Decided to start from scratch but will use system monitor to ensure that it’s being effectively managed! Thanks all for your help!