There may be something wrong with your sensors. When I tested mine it used a few 10s of mA @ 5V. So like 150mW.
They work OOTB with Zigbee@MQtt.
There may be something wrong with your sensors. When I tested mine it used a few 10s of mA @ 5V. So like 150mW.
They work OOTB with Zigbee@MQtt.
I’ve never seen a battery powered mmwave occupancy sensor, only devices that must be plugged in. It definitely uses more power than a standard PIR. It actively sends out radar pulses, so it makes sense.
I’m currently testing these out myself, got them yesterday. They are battery powered.
How are those going for you? I bought a number and mine arrived this week.
Using z2m 1.36.1
So far it seems to have got stuck in this state
"battery": 100,
"fading_time": 30,
"illuminance_lux": 1188,
"indicator": "ON",
"linkquality": 58,
"motion_state": "large",
"presence": true,
"static_detection_distance": 5,
"static_detection_sensitivity": 6
I have a zStack3x0 coordinator with firmware 20220219 (which is probably a bit old).
Not too much use as it is.
These have been working well for me (USB-C power not battery):
The athom works well but isn’t cheap and is USB C powered. That’s why I was hoping the battery powered ZG-204ZM would work better.
Haven’t had time to test much yet, but the one I’ve unpacked is not stuck at least. 20240321 FW on the coordinator.
Thanks. I suspect then that I need to update the coordinator firmware. Always makes me nervous.
What version of z2m are you on?
1.37.0. Be aware of the 20230507 FW, I kept getting dropped devices on that.
Could you please be so kind to point me to the exact link to download this quirk ?
I cannot find it, the ones I found are exposing only occupancy and the best one occupancy and lumens.
The ZG-204ZM is a piece of junk.
The PIR has a very short range and the mmWave simply does not work as advertised.
Yeah I’m not too impressed with them either.
Same issue currently, strangly mine has/was working fine I think… just had to move it 0.5m and now it just goes to LARGE and is stuck also. Confused… guess you did not solve your issue?
No news, but to be fair I haven’t put any further effort in. Its a public holiday here today, so I might get a chance.
Man, still got one stuck going into LARGE and stay; no reset or setting change works… and this was simply after moving its position (it worked before that). Any ideas, any troubles on your side?
I have 2 of the ZG-204ZM sensors. First one works 100% no issues. Second one, stuck in large. Really annoying.
Anyone figured out how to get these unstuck or is it just luck of the draw?
To answer my own question. Looks like you have to resolder 3 pins in the sensor. Will check it out later when I have time.
I’ve got the kb5noeto version one. Detection works quite well actually, but it takes forever (sometimes up to 5 minutes) before it clears “Presence” to false" and “Motion state” to none.
I’ve given up on these things. Detection is far too sensitive and wide. No matter what I set the detection settings to it sees through my Gyprock walls and triggers on movement in adjacent rooms. I’m going back to PIRs.
I have the same one (kb5noeto) and this configuration has been working perfectly after long battle.
"fading_time": 10,
"indicator": "ON",
"motion_detection_mode": "only_pir",
"motion_detection_sensitivity": 4,
"static_detection_distance": 5,
"static_detection_sensitivity": 4