I really do want to like HA but

or rather “some other users pre-judge the posters’s attitude”. Which is ok, but gives no right to be offensive to OP or insult him in any way.
Unfortunately if you look at such discussions, often response of other users is way more inappropriate than OP alone (not the issue of this forum only, actually it can be found in a lot of forums, not all though.)

IMO if attitude of OP is found incorrect, he should get no any response. At least it would give chance to other interested parties (ie devs); the frustration of OPs usually originates in some real issues. Which might be considered valuable input (unless not hidden by hatetrain)

My 2 or more cents :wink:

That however isn’t how humanity works…

This really is going to be my last post - to much life to do… :grin:
I had asked the questions a lot times in the past and got either no reply or one very similar to yours “dont use that hardware” As I have stated above I dont want to remove a fall back system - just part of my long history working on mission critical systems I guess. Just a stick in the mud old fart I guess.
The post was just venting a frustration, not meant in anyway as an insult to anyone. I have reached the point of moving on to other systems or hardware - Tuya is looking interesting so i will experiment there.
I do use Zigbee2MQTT for other devices like sensors, but do not want to move the lights over for the given reasons.

Also the rules may state one thing - but given no other options this forum becomes the de facto support line.
All this is way I really dont like online forums - a simple statement descends into shouting and finger pointing as the whole nuance of a “normal” conversation is lost. I think if we had been sitting in a pub talking over a pint this would all have gone very differently.

With my mod hat on, I’ll say that this thread has avoided that remarkably well - on all sides. I’m hoping it’ll continue that way.

There’s also a Discord server, which is more like that

All parts of that, including the drinking, the incomprehensible statements, utter gibberish, and people arguing with each other while not realising they’re agreeing.

Will head that way later :+1: :beers:

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I don’t want to appear to quibble but this community forum isn’t the only place to get help. There’s also (to my knowledge) Discord, Reddit, and Facebook. I don’t participate in the other communities (occasionally browse Reddit posts) so I don’t know how they typically respond to “I am frustrated; goodbye” posts.

FWIW, these types of posts are unpopular because many appear to be a passive-aggressive way to draw attention (although perhaps not this one). Typically, there’s a list of grievances, an unflattering description of the state of things, and a declaration they are departing. There’s no explicit request for help, maybe only grumbling about not getting any help in the past.

Explicitly: “This sucks! I get no help from you! I’m leaving!”
Implicitly: “Do I have your attention now?”

Quite often, about a dozen or two posts later, the person appears to have had a change of heart and is now open to suggestions and trying “one more time” (again, not this topic). This pattern of behavior is tiresome, unproductive and unwelcome. That’s why I often encourage users to follow their dreams and move on. Home Assistant isn’t the only home automation solution and perhaps something else fits their needs better.


OK - so I have written my own link to the Ikea hub in c#. It has been running almost a week now with no disconnects. I have also written a simple android app to act as a UI; this needs a lot of work done. It also publishes to my MQTT status of all the devices, and subscribes to requests, but does nothing with them at the moment (simple to add). I plan to use the MQTT to build out a better WEB UI. So problem has been kicked into the long grass :slight_smile:
Sorry if ruffled any feathers with the original post, but I do really like HA, and if I could get hold of better hardware easily I would do so. Just at the moment with my current set-up HA fails me numerous times a day.

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  • If Gazzah did not reply to one of my posts, then there’s something wrong with the forum software. One shouldn’t receive general notifications for an unsubscribed thread.

  • If Gazzah did reply to one of my posts then, no thank you Gary, I have no interest in whatever you’re doing. Feel free to use the general reply button to notify users who are subscribed to this topic.

After a lot of investigation it seems that my own solution was no better than the HA one :frowning: The real reason everything now seems to be stable is an update pushed to the Ikea hub… HA connection is very stable now, I have one problematic switch, but that is, I think at the limit of the range. I have the lights to default to ON when powered up, and seems stable so I am at long last considering getting rid of the hub - the advice of the group is rarely wrong :). This should stop any further Ikea updates fecking with the whole thing again.