I guess HLS was a straightforward choice at the time, due to widespread client side support and the developer of the stream component was probably more familiar with it.
I agree. This was NOT a bad choice and I would NOT have been able to get even close to implementing it, especially in python. I am very grateful for all the work done by many contributors, my point was trying to explain why, in the case being made in this thread, it is fundamentally, IMHO, not the best architecture.
If I didn’t suck so much at Python I would try this myself. I wish you could write HA components in NodeJS or C++
Amen to that! For having spent more than 2 months putting together a fairly simple integration I hear you! First python project in 25+ years, I feel your pain
This said, many of the things we are trying to address here are more general code principle and architecture so you are more than welcome to participate.
Oh and not sure if I misunderstood what you were saying in your point 2 above, but MJPEG has nothing to do with HLS. The HLS proxy in HA simply repackages the RTSP stream directly, MJPEG is not involved in that specific pipeline. MJPEG is an alternative to HLS.
You’re right, I was a bit fast (and likely confused) on the mixing of HLS and MJPEG. My apologies…
The thing is though (and not to excuse me from anything), the pipeline is VERY confusing.
I saw a couple of comments in that thread asking for “working examples” and despite the work done by scstraus it is very hard to simply summarize the tradeoffs inherent to each configuration.
I believe this thread is a wake up call that we badly need a good solution to real time cameras in HA. I know I’ve seen before “HA is NOT a replacement for a DVR”. That’s totally fine but being able to display feeds from local cameras should not be such a hassle.
I’m still trying to familiarize myself with the community process on the dev side of things and don’t want to hijack this tread… I do believe tough than together, users as well as past and present developers, we can start a forward looking process to get HA better in this particular area…
Suggestions and comments most welcome…