I want to give Nabu Casa more money - but less often!

Or just sign up on another account with a different email (if you want to pay $10 per month that is).

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+1 :+1:t4:

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Thanks, I will look into that and also looking forward to more options for payments!

I think this service is expensive. In my country, I have an average of 200 dollars monthly back.
Nabu Casa is expensive for 3rd class countries like us, so anyone can reach it if there is a package like 1 dollar per month.

For example, monthly fees.
Netflix $1.96
Amazon $0.57
spotify $1.3

Nabu Casa $6.5

I don’t currently subscribe to Nabu Casa either as the feature it offers I have through other means. But I have considered doing so simply to support the project as I love it and could afford to do so. Your comparisons aren’t exactly on par though when you consider the user base for HA is a little over 161k users (see the Analytics site) whereas the services you reference are in the millions.

Obviously it’s not for everyone either financially or for the services it provides. The company is based in California and is paying several software engineers a salary. As you are likely aware quality people in that realm don’t come cheaply unfortunately. I guess the costs makes it a luxury item that are out of reach to many or simply a matter of being unnecessary to others. Perhaps if the user base and by extension subscriptions expand the cost will become more affordable over time. :blush:

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How much does one have to pay to get their bug reports prioritised? :joy:

I agree with everything said here!
Fantastic writeup and I 100% support every single one of your points and suggestions.
Pls make it happen! :slight_smile:

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Respectfully, I think you missed the point of the post.
The OP specifically emphasized that this should be optional and in fact advocated for affordability. He didn’t say all prices should go up for everyone!
If anything, his suggestion could be expanded to have cheaper pricing in other countries if it can be “subsidized” by people who feel comfortable to give more.

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@balloob If I may ask, what is the most economic way for NabuCasa to get paid? Is it the monthly or the yearly subscription?

I could imagine, that a yearly subscription is cheaper for NC, because it is just one transaction, despite it being cheaper than twelve monthly subscriptions, but easier on the accounting.

What I’m asking is, where does NC have a better margin? Monthly or yearly? :slight_smile:



Does NC or the individual developers have a public facing GitHub page? GitHub has a sponsorship system.

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Most of the devs do (Paulus, Frenck, …).