I want to move the £ to the front

It doesn’t work for me. Not sure if I need to adapt more:

- sensor:
    - name: "Today's Energy Cost"
      unique_id: 89fae27e-d7cb-436e-b123-7afc8706922f
#      unit_of_measurement: "$"
      state: "{{ '$ {:,.2f}'.format(
        (states('sensor.vue_gen_2_1d') | round(2))
        * (states('sensor.tou_cost') | round(2))
        ) | round(2) }}"
#      device_class: monetary

This is what I have currently. I haven’t been able to adjust where the $ goes in front of the amount anymore. I forgot what update in HA broke it.

        friendly_name: "Monthly Water Usage"
        unit_of_measurement: "$"
        value_template: "{{ '%.2f' | format((states('sensor.flume_sensor_stylus_current_month') | float(0)) * (states('input_text.water_utility_cost') | float(0))) }}"