I was ready to give up on Home Assistant... until I moved the database!

Just looked this up and there’s a heavy docker dependency for both HA and the “supervisor”… I kinda like the fact that HA runs directly in Ubuntu. It helps me monitor the Ubuntu server things that I want and has access to the shell for any command that I’d want to automate. Is there a way to install HassIO w/o that docker dependency, directly in Ubuntu?

For folks still doubting it, there is nothing like the ease of restoring a VM of any flavor VMware, VitrualBox, HyperV, XenServer, ProxMox, QEMU, etc. — and being up super quickly whenever the underlying hardware you’re using decides to break. Keep in mind that you can run many more things like ElasticSearch and it’s Kibana dashboard (ELK stack). If you do that on an RPi it’s just ridiculously slow. Same with start time of HA with my 160 or so devices. It’s multiple minutes on RPi vs. 30-40 seconds for a restart of HA on a hypervisor (better on SSD of course rather than mechanical).

I realize power is not free and an RPi obviously has that low consumption advantage. However, RPi SD corruption over long running time and the speed lag with more IoT devices should quickly outgrow beginner HA tinkerer. I can only see an RPi as a sandbox or a backup device. So while power is not free, neither is my time. When waiting for the hundreds of HA restarts that I have to wait for, the quicker those go the better for me.

This is a Hassio thread though. For some the convenience of Hassio addons makes it their preferred choice.

My personal opinion right now is Hassio adds another breaking complexity to the already challenging Home Assistant upgrade cycle. Even though there is a full time Hassio developer , it appears there is no Hassio testing before a new HA release.


It appears you have no idea at all about what you are talking about!

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You mean we should expect something like the undocumented (in the Release Notes) Ingress breakage that only got somewhat stable & announced 2 patched versions later??

How many Hassio people failed upgrading to 0.93.x until a new Hassio Supervisor was released later?

My opinions are based on my experiences.

A post was split to a new topic: Booting HassOS from USB?

And we appear to have got to the point where some people feel it’s time to insult and attack each other, so this thread is now locked.