iBeacon and Android companion app for proximity tracking

Same here. Within the last months, the integration collected just a couple of unknown devices and directly claimed that those ‘are no longer supported’ and I could delete those entries.
I’m asking myself, why are they unknown and why found in the first place if they are not supported anymore. Just my phone is not found and this is sad.

I simply think that this feature is not yet ready or simply designed for iOS devices. So I decided to stop trying to get it to work and wait for an update.

I banged my head with this for weeks and then I found Espresense. It’s way better and it just works. It’s designed to work with HA so there’s no complicated setup and best of all it 100% tracks my Android and the multiple IPhones in my house. I highly reccomend it and you can find guides right here in the forums.

I bought the BT stick just for this purpose and I guess I’ll wait for the one fits all solution - otherwise I’ll run out of USB ports :wink:

Just as an update: It is still not working for me, so I guess I need to unplug the BT stick from the system to save some energy :wink:

how can i find this combined device?

Just another update after another 2,5 months. My system is still not recognizing my mobile phones, so the situation is still unchanged.

It seems that this is no longer of interest for our coders. I guess I can throw away the BT stick I’ve bought without that is has been used once. It’s an open source risk, I now, but anyways, it’s sad.

@Fallingaway24 Do you have a link showing what you did to detect the presence in your house?

I use espresense and it works great.

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Thanks, I’ll check that out.

@Fallingaway24 Hi Justin, I’ve now a couple of ESPs in my house, but I’m still struggling because my devices are detected by multiple sensors at the same time and therefore the state constantly switches from room A to B and back.
I already tried to reduce the detection radius using the websites of the ESPs, but this seems to be very inaccurate. If I set the distance to 2m, it still finds the device if it is 4m away.

Did you configure this the same way or did you do this in HA directly?

It’s kind of tricky and you have to play around with the settings. I do mine in HA in the device settings under mqtt. Reduce the max distance and also the absorption. Another thing is where you actually place the boards. Try to get them as far apart as possible.

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Little Update after a couple of months: I guess my configuration is now the best I can get. Still quiet often HA tells me, I would be in a different room, but that is sufficient for me.

Just my most important case is not working. When I’m in the storage room and my mobile phone is somewhere else, I wanted that my Galaxy Watch 6 is detected and the lights are not turned off. But neither my GW6, nor my GW4 are constantly detected. Sometimes the watch is indicated as ‘away’ for several hours, although it is just 1m away from the next ESP. Maybe this is because of energy saving of the watch or the mobile app is just not good.
Somehow I don’t think it is the watch itself, because the BT connection of the watch is always busy talking to the phone or the ear buds and on the other hand, a fit bit device is properly monitored by HA all day long.

So I’m currently thinking of throwing it all away and trying out a mmWave sensor but this is a costly step and I’m not sure, whether I should do this or not.

I have 6 or 7 nodes around my house and I found I had the same issues. It’s still not perfect but I found things work better when I routinely restart the nodes. My nodes would appear online but it was like they would run out of memory or something and they would be really slow to respond when beacons enter or leave a zone. I run an automation that restarts all of them every 6 hours and it helps. It’s by no means perfect still but, it’s better.

I already had pir sensors set up and got a late start with mmWave sensors like the LD2410. Yes, they are more expensive but they are way better than plain pir sensors. They don’t solve your problem with who is in what room but they will 100% tell you someone is in a room and if you don’t turn down the sensitivity it will tell you if there is a fly in your house flying around. They are crazy sensitive. The RCWL-0516 are much cheaper but they can be hit and miss. Sometimes you get bad batches and none work, sometimes only 2 or 3 work. They are worth trying though and they even work through some doors and walls, like I can detect motion when someone comes up to my bedroom door, it’s very cool.Amazon.com