All iCloud account access is down due to changes made accessing the iCloud account. The best way to follow iCloud3 and keep up with news/updates if here
Thanks Apple!
And thank you Gary & team for all your hard work
I have everything set up and running, but how do i know or link the ha iOS app to the service? It seems to be relying only on iCloud at the moment. i have the names matched up in the ha app and in the iPhone general about setting
I’m getting a ton of these sorts of errors with MariaDB. Is there a way to fix this?
Error executing query: (MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError) (1366, "Incorrect string value: '\\xE2\\x97\\x8FBat...' for column `homeassistant`.`states`.`state` at row 1")
[SQL: INSERT INTO states (domain, entity_id, state, attributes, event_id, last_changed, last_updated, created, context_id, context_user_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)]
[parameters: ('sensor', 'sensor.her_iphone_info', ' ●Battery-95%', '{"icon": "mdi:information-outline", "friendly_name": "her-iPhone-Info"}', 1388067, datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 11, 13, 16, 36, 550867, tzinfo=<UTC>), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 11, 13, 16, 36, 550867, tzinfo=<UTC>), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 11, 13, 20, 46, 383690), '84afa469aabb40398727d30a45fbc413', None)]
(Background on this error at: