iCloud3 v2.1 Device Tracker - iCloud3 v2.2 has been released (10/10/2020)

I have installed it on my system and have it up and running. I set it up without using the edit mode by selecting add a card, scrolling to the bottom of the list and selected ‘Manual’. The Event Log card was displayed and I selected Save. It was then displayed correctly. (I’m replying on my phone so can not see the exact wording of what I did.)

I’ll be adding detailed instructions with screen shots into the iCloud3 docs and will post a link when they are available.

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Thanks ! Looking forward to it !

I have it partially working!
In your manual it should actually say that after creating the custom card you also have to put the following in the configuration.yaml file and restart HA after , then at least you will see the card otherwise the screen will remain blank and you will continue to search for what you are doing wrong .

So, what i did so far: (With screenshots so other users can see what i did)

1: I have created a directory where I already had another custom card, this has become:
Copied the file: icloud3-event-log-card.js in this directory.

Schermafbeelding 2020-07-02 om 10.13.06

2: URL specified, this must be (In the latest version of HA anyway) via: configuration -> Lovelace Dashboard -> Resources

Schermafbeelding 2020-07-02 om 10.12.05

Alternative URL could be : /hacfiles/lovelace-icloud3 / , i think /hacfiles points to /local/community/)

3 add custom card (selecting add a card, scrolling to the bottom of the list and selected ‘Manual’)

  - entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log
title: iCloud Event Log
type: 'custom:icloud3-event-log-card'

Card not visable now !!! next thing is important !

4: After i add this to configuration.yaml

## iCloud 3
   - platform: icloud3
     username:! secret icloud_user
     password:! secret icloud_pass
       - device_tracker.iphone_of_olraccus

It shows me this screen: (Ignore the errors, not configured yet!)

This part is now successful, I am now going to find out how to configure everything :slight_smile:

The v2.2.0 Event Log Manuel’s chapter is here. Most of the chapter’s have also been updated. Not included yet is setting up the Lovelace resources statement. I have to change my config around to do that and am not ready to do that yet.

Your comments are helpful. Thanks

Hi, I have the integration setup via HACS and the card working great, its polling and showing locations fine, however every time it polls I get an authentication popup on my devices. I am using the famshr method is there anything I can do to fix the authentication so I dont have to keep excepting it.
My home assistant is updated to the latest version and is running in a virtualbox.

@nickisagod That is a normal behavior on the version on HACS (v2.1.0). The next release (v2.2.0) does support FamShr without the nagging messages and is undergoing final testing before the next release. You can download it from the v2.2.0 Release Candidate directory on the iCloud3 GitHub Repository here.

The ChangeLog docs list the new features and how to install it onto your system.

The outstanding issue I am working on deals with entering & exiting Stationary Zones with multiple devices in the same zone. Otherwise, it’s pretty solid.

I’ve been using your latest V 2.2.0 RC8 and with Family Sharing and can confirm zero problems with your integration in authenticating against my icloud account. I did the initial setup process with 2 FA text method and haven’t had any issues with it authenticating.

In regards to entering and exiting stationary zones. I’ve noticed consistently two issues. It only seems to affect the primary device of the famshr account, the other two devices/accounts/users are not affected. The stationary entity created for the primary device seems to be erroneously placed about a half mile north of my home location. It also looks like the only time it tries to state the device is at that station location is whenever the GPS signal is very low, like 4200. It still reports to HA that I’m Home but when looking at the geocoded location and on the map it puts me at the stationary location that’s north of my house and it only affects the primary account. Not either of the two secondary accounts.

@jamieboy05 That’s what I’m working on. Each device has it’s own Stationary Zone. The problem I’m working on is when one device is in it’s zone Stationary Zone and another device enters that zone, the iOS App does a zone enter for the Stationary Zone for the device that owns the zone, not the Stationary Zone for the one that did the entering. Then all triggers, exits, etc are for the device that just entered the zone have the other device’s zone name, not it’s own and things get confusing. I’m on version #6 of a fix to the problem and think I’m close, but I thought that on #3. Stay tuned.

I’ve had the opposite experience. The primary stays put, while the secondary roams around. Logs from iOS companion app 2020.3, iOS 13.5.1, HA 112.0.

@jamieboy05 @GaryK It’s really the order the devices were authenticated and loaded when HA first started and how the internal iC3 data tables were loaded that determines how it works. The last one loaded seems to be OK, sometimes.

Awesome. I appreciate your efforts. I wanted to share what little insight I had on using the integration to see if that helped. Thanks for the awesome integration and for your hard work

Gary -

Can iCloud3 overcome the HA app’s poor GPS accuracy? I’m finding that my iPhone 11 pro will have terrible GPS accuracy in the HA app and thus I constantly wander from home to a nearby zone or from work to ‘stationary’. The GPS has shown accuracy that ranges from amazing to just awful (I’ve been at GPS accuracy of 2500 since yesterday).

Opening and closing the Apple Maps or Find My Friends doesn’t fix it (but based on their depiction, the accuracy is great there) nor does killing the HA app and restarting. Meanwhile the three other iPhones in the house are consistently under 65 for GPS accuracy. Tried deleting and resetting the HA app to no avail.

Posted elsewhere on a thread about the HA app GPS but wondered if iCloud3 had any ability to overcome this or if you had some thoughts otherwise.


Nevermind, found an open issue in Github for the HA app that suggests a fix may be in the works - https://github.com/home-assistant/iOS/issues/589

@eoren1 iCloud3 will prevent wandering out of a zone if the wandering is less than 1km from the zone. If it gets an iOSApp location change. it looks at the distance from the current zone and if it has received an Exit trigger. If it hasn’t received the Exit trigger and the distance is less than 1km, it will not move it out of the zone. If more than 1km, it assumes it missed the trigger due to poor gps or an old location and will move it out of the zone.

So no, it will not prevent your situation from happening. It relies on the location info from the device. It does check the gps accuracy and will throw away the location update if it is greater than the threshold. So it will give you a warning about bad data and try to get good location using the NextUpdateTimer.

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Ok so this worked for me BUT removed teh space between custom and icloud

entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log
title: iCloud Event Log
type: ‘custom:icloud3-event-log-card’

or maybe it is just because I don’t have the space in my ui_lovelaceyaml

iCloud3 Release Candidate 9 is now available

Review the Change Log (it has a detailed list of the updates) and download it from the v2.2.0 Release Candidate directory in the iCloud3 GitHub Repository here.

There are a bunch of changes in this release that address:

  1. Multiple device_tracker entities created by the iOS App for the same device.
  2. Stationary Zone setup, entering and exiting.
  3. Status messages during startup.
  4. Testing if the phone is ‘online’ before seeing if the location is old.
  5. Checking the Waze error status to try to see if www.waze.com generats a connection error when getting routing information. If so, it will not be used.
  6. Changed the way long test items are displayed on the Event Log card.

Special things to watch for:
Item 6: I am trying to see if the text lines overflow and are truncated on various devices. If that is the case, let me know and I will go back to the old way of displaying the text on several lines.

Edit 7/10 8:00am EST. Updated to rc9a to fix a device status “online” test issue, to remove the timer from the startup status messages and to not move the device into a stationary zone when the stationary zone timer expired (reverted back to doing it on the next update).

Hi @gcobb321 I’ve updated to RC9 it seems to now be detecting my wife’s iphone when transitioning in and out of zones, however I’m getting the error below upon starting/restarting. I’ve checked the Entity registry and the device_tracker(s) associated with both mine and wife’s iphone do exist. I’m not sure how to proceed with addressing the error and what I need to look into. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you for your custom component!

Logger: custom_components.icloud3_dev9.device_tracker
Source: custom_components/icloud3_dev9/device_tracker.py:870
Integration: icloud3_dev9
First occurred: 12:47:33 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:47:33 PM

None (None) iCloud3 Setup Error > > The iOS App device_tracker entity was not found in the Entity Registry.. Device_tracker entities (suffix) found - 

@bastero. What is your device name? What is your wife’s device name? I did make a change so the ic3 device name must not have a suffix and the iOS app device name will have one to support the latest iOS app currently in testing.

@gcobb321 Thanks for your prompt response…

 - platform: icloud3_dev9
   username: !secret icloud3_username 
   password: !secret icloud3_password
   tracking_method: fmf
     - iphoneexpress > [email protected],/local/JC.jpg 
     - garbineiphone > [email protected],/local/GU.jpg     

Update: Just checked my entities and there is an entry ‘device_tracker.iphone_express’. Should I delete this one?

@bastero Not yet. the iC3 devicename is ‘iphoneexpress’ so iC3 is looking for another entity that will be ‘iphoneexpress_xxx’ which will be the iosapp device tracker entity. States should show ‘device_tracker.iphoneexpress’ for ic3 and ‘device_tracker.iphoneexpress_xxx’ for the ios app. It scans for device tracker entities with a ‘mobile app’ type where the entity name starts with ‘device_tracker.iphoneexpress_xxx’.

Is the ‘iphone_express’ your old ic3 entity? On the iosapp.3.1(1)I’m running, the name was added to the App Configuration>General screen. I have ‘Gary-iPhone-App’ which will make the ‘device_tracker.gary_iphone_app’ entity. Your’s will need to be ‘IphoneExpress-xxx’ or something like that.