iCloud3 v2.1 Device Tracker - iCloud3 v2.2 has been released (10/10/2020)

I have icloud3 event log (sensor.icloud3_event_log) listed in Entities.

that may be the issue. I am trying to load a manual car for an entity that doesnā€™t exist. @gcobb321 can you confirm I should see the entity before creating this card? I tried putting the Lovelace yaml config into conjuration.yaml as you had indicated and it still is not working. What might cause the entity not to appear?

I can confirm that the sensor.icloud3_event_log entity is created when iCloud3 starts up. I just restarted HA without iCloud3 and the entity did not exist in Developer Tools>States. After restarting HA with iCloud3, the entity was there.

so how did it happen through a HACS install that this entity did not get installed, yet everything else works? :slight_smile: Any suggestions on what I should to fix it?

iCloud 3 Release Candidate 10 is now available

Programs changed:

  • device_tracker.py
  • icloud3-event-log-card.js

Download it here
Full Change Log is here
v2.2.0 Documentation is here
Installation instructions are here

Programs changed: device_tracker.py, icloud3-event-log-card.js ]

  • Added the Actions selection list to the Event Log card. This list contains iCloud3 commands that interact with and control iCloud operations. The commands include Restart iCloud3, Pause and Resume polling, Show/Hide tracking details, Start/Stop adding debug records to the HA Log file, Export the Event Log to a text file. Some commands can be used on the selected device.
  • Added the ability to export the Event Log to a tab delimited file suitable for importing into Excel or another spreadsheet program. The file, \config\icloud3-event-log.log , is created using a command on the Actions selection list on the Event Log.
  • The iOS App has been changed to issue a zone Region Enter trigger before it has really entered the zone if the zoneā€™s radius is less than 100m. Since the distance to the zone was greater than the zoneā€™s radius, the device was really outside the zone and iCloud3 would keep the device in an Away state instead of accepting the trigger. This has been changed to support the new way the iOS App determines when a device is close enough to a zone to issue a Region Enter trigger.
  • When iCloud3 starts, it matches the track_devices devicenames with the iOS App device_tracker entities. To help solve problems when iCloud3 starts and the entities can not be matched, all of the mobile_app device_tracker entities are now displayed in the Event Log.
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Start iCloud3 and then create the Event Log Card rather than creating the Event Log Card and then starting iCloud3 while I figure something out.

thats how I did it the first time @gcobb321. I installed icloud3 through HACS then followed instructions to create the log card. but to be honest the log card is nice to have, but 100% needed since everything is working fine for me. but if possible would like to figure out at some point why I cannot get it working.

I originally had the Event Log card documentation towards the end of the iC3 documentation, long after the installation and setup. I would guess that most people got iCloud3 up and running before doing the Event Log install/setup. When I first put it together, there was no Lovelace UI, everything was done with the ui-lovelace.yaml file.

It was only recently I moved the Event Log setup to the top of the docs (v2.2.0) with the installation and setup of iC3. I did the full UI Lovelace setup about 3 weeks ago after another user was having problems setting it up. He had had iC3 up and running, followed the instructions and everything was fine.

By putting the Event Log setup with the iC3 install, I can see where it could be set up after the HACS install of iC3 but before iC3 had been added to the HA config and was up and running.

For now, have iC3 all set up and running and locating the devices. Then either finish the Event Log setup or just try to access it since the sensor.icloud3_event_log would then exist. When I started HA a few minutes ago without iC3, all I got was a blank screen when trying to display it.

If Iā€™m debugging something and iC3 doesnā€™t load and Iā€™m on the Event Log screen, I get a blank screen and a javascript error message saying an attribute can not be found. Which is a valid message since iC3 is not running. After getting iC3 so it loads, the Event Log screen is still blank. Doing browser refresh display the Event Log card.

@gcobb321how do you manually start IC3? Doesnā€™t it just auto load with HA? Am I missing something? I tried uninstalling IC3 via HACS and then installed it again, but seeing same behavior where that entity sensor doesnā€™t get created.

iCloud3 is a custom component and not part of HA. Installing with HACS just installed the files in the appropriate directories but does not start it up when HA starts. To do that, you need to add a device_tracker platform and configure it. There is extensive documentation here on how to do that.

Also, the Event Log does not need the sensor entity in the Lovelace setup. It was required when I first developed it but appears to not be needed now and can be removed.

And, the HACVersion is v2.1.0 and some of the documentation links above point to the v2.2.0 of iCloud3 which hasnā€™t been released yet. That can be found in the iCloud3 GitHub v2.2.0 Release Candidate directory. I just uploaded the latest version of that earlier today and info on it is a few posts above this one.

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@gcobb321 I see what happened. I never setup the device tracker platform in my config yaml file. I feel a little embarrassed, sorry for the trouble. I guess I was confused since when I installed the HA IKOS App it did a pretty good job of letting HA know when I left the house that I didnā€™t notice IC3 wasnā€™t. correctly setup. Iā€™ll give it a go with the device tracker and let you know if I run into any trouble. thanks everyoneā€¦

@gcobb321 I got the device tracker installed and im using famish method. Appleā€™s 2FA prompts me to allow and provides a 6 digit code. I am not seeing where to put this 6 digit code into HA? Based on your docs it says I should see something in notifications, but nothing came upā€¦ Am I missing something?

The 2fa code is for apps and is useless here. You will eventually see a notification when the iCloud Web Services is authenticated and wants a code. Give it some time. Does the Event Log card work now?

Also, if you are using the HACS version 2.1.0, you will see a notification every 1/2 hour or so that makes FamShr unusable. v2.2.0 in the v2.2.0 Release Candidate directory here solves that problem.

Download it here
Full Change Log is here
v2.2.0 Documentation is here
Installation instructions are here

@gcobb321 thanks, I will try the card log panel next, but yes it prompts me every 30 min as you stated. Is 2.2.0 close to being out via HACS? Or is there an easy way to overwrite my existing files with 2.2.0 RC10 from github?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my Question, much appreciated. I will see if I can get those into my home zone as it drives me nuts that it constantly goes in and out. Else I need to expand my home zone by a km or so I guess?

The installation instructions are in the Change Log-Release Candidate file here. Basically, itā€™s download the zip file and unzip it into the config\custom_components\icloud3 directory. Then restart HA.

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haha ok perfect @gcobb321 thanks for clarifyingā€¦

@gcobb321 panel looking card finally works. Thanks for all your help everyone.

I seem to be doing something wrong. I followed the guide but must have missed something.

I installed Icloud3 via HACS moved the icloud3-event-log-card.js file to /hacsfiles/lovelace-icloud3/

Added /hacsfiles/lovelace-icloud3/icloud3-event-log-card.js?v=1.000 to resources.

Then added to configuration.yaml

  - platform: icloud3
     username: my icloud email
     password: my icloud password
     trackingmethod: famshr
      - myiphone

Then created a manual custom card by adding.

 - entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log
     type: 'custom:icloud3-event-log-card'

But there is no log card. It is just a blank.

I also get this error in the HA Log

  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/device_tracker.py", line 5783, in _setup_tracked_devices_for_famshr
NameError: name 'log_msg' is not defined

What am I doing wrong and thanks for any help.