iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

@sj3fk3 @scotty1395 @NCO
iCloud3 v3 is not on HACS. It will be soon. The reason is that I needed to release the first bunch of betas in a controlled manner with a limited number of experienced users to work through the problems that were found. Is was pretty solid when I released it but we also found a number of issues that had to be fixed before it was ready for a general release. I’m only one guy and did not want to be fixing bugs and answering a lot of questions at the same time. Plus all the other stuff I do. If you have ever been involved with releasing a new version of software, you know what I mean.

The first draft of the docs was just enough to get going but not the final. Some of the install instructions deal with the final version, not the betas. I should not have included them and sorry for the confusion. I think (hope) the coding is done, except for a breaking change by HA that has to be fixed by the 2023.3.0 HA release. Then I will get back to the docs and finish that.

The info on each beta is posted on the icloud3_v3 issues pages. The first page here announces the new beta release and points you to the GitHub Releases page with the change Log and zip file. I also add a note as a new issue describing what was fixed in general terms as a new issue. Yes, you have to download it and install it the ‘hard way’.

One thing I keep wondering about regarding HACS is whether to create a new entry for v3 or to release an update to the v2 HACS entry. The first would keep them separate for a while but the v2 users would not know about the new release through HACS. The second would announce it to over 5000 users who could all install it at the same time. I think I just answered my own question.

Thanks for your interest, give it a try and post your Id on the issues page so I can keep track of who is using it and make sure they know of an update.



I think we’re not on the same page: I meant when the security key’s are enabled in my Apple iCoud account and iCloud3 needs a new 2fa verification no TOTP is shown anymore on my iOS device. So I can’t complete the Configure Apple ID Verification Code procedure in Home Assistant.

The TOTP popup on my iOS device is replaced with a simple pop-up “Your Apple ID *****@*. is being used to sign in to your account” with the option OK or Not me…

We are probably not.

  1. I’m not sure what you mean by security key’s are enabled in my Apple iCoud account .

  2. By TOTP, do you mean the 6-digit verification code?

  3. By * The TOTP popup on my iOS device is replaced with a simple pop-up “Your Apple ID *****@. is being used to sign in to your account” with the option OK or Not me, do you mean the may displaying the devices approximate location with Allow/Not Allow (or some text like that).

  4. Are you using an app-specific password? Which will not work.

  5. Are you using a physical security key released in IOS 16.3? Which will not work.

Thank you very much for your thorough reponse, Gary.
I really appreciate your efforts you (have) put into icloud3 and it’s exactly what I need.
So, I don’t complain - at least that was not my intention to sound like complaining :wink:

I will then consider to try the hard way when beta 12 is out.

Yeah, I meant physical keys…

I’ve been putting off upgrading to v3 as it’s still in Beta, but I’d been having perpetual issues with V2 as well where stationary zones abruptly stopped working and my phone (the phone with the main icloud account) seemed to always be set at home. I haven’t touched anything in quite a while, so I’m not sure why it was behaving this way. I decided to take the plunge and give v3 a go. This seems to have broken everything now.

The event log just shows a “setup” button now and is completely blank. My device’s status shows “----” whilst the others are unknown. All other devices are using the HASS app as well, and they have also been configured in the integration.

I’ve followed all the migration steps from the Docs as well as the general setup. I’ve tried resetting and re-authenticating, I’ve restarted HASS a few times, etc. All with no luck.

Anybody else stumble into this issue?

  1. When iCloud3 starts for the first time, it migrates the data form v2 to v3 and creates icloud3-migration,log in the/config directory. Does that show any errors?
  2. Are there any errors in the _home-assistant.log_or _iclous3-debug.log_files?
  3. Does the Event Log screen show iCloud3 Event Log or iCloud3 Event Log v3? Try refreshing your browser screen.
  4. Beta 12 is the current one. It’s that the one you installed?
  5. After you added the iCloud3 Integration, did you go into the configuration and review the devices you are tracking and change their status from Inactive to Tracking?
  6. If you are still having problems, click the bug at the top right off the Event Log (v3) to open an issue. I’ll probably want you to turn on Configuration > Event Log parameter > log level > Debug, restart it and send the Debug log file to [email protected]

Hey Gary,

  1. No errors on the migration log
  2. HA Logs show: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' and the same for >, so it appears to be some sort of parsing issue. No issues on icloud3-debug.log
  3. I should’ve mentioned this, but yes I’m using Beta 12.
  4. Yes I did.
  5. I’ve just manually attempted to fix the Event Log card, and I’m currently trying to unbreak it, but I shall create an issue in the repository otherwise

Thanks for the great work on this!


Just managed to fix the Event Log card and have a better overview:

Oh my. That indicates the stationary zone did not really get set up. Let’s open an issue on the icloud3_v3 repository via the “bug”. Send the icloud3-debug.log to [email protected] or post it on the issue. Meanwhile, I will look at that code after I run out for a minute.

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Thanks, Gary! I’ve created an issue for you :wink:

Hi All,

Since today iCloud3 ask me all the time to do a verification.

18:13:41 Alert > iCloud account authentication is needed

I do the verification. But then its keeping asking.

I think you are running v3? If so, what beta version?
Are you getting an HA notification that takes you to the Devices & Settings with the red Configure option? You enter code, get ok message and then is the code accepted?
Is the Alert msg just on the Event Log or do you also get a new code request on the phone even though the last code was accepted?

Are you also running v2?

Im running your latest Beta build that you have.
I get 1 time the notification in HA. I enter the code then iCloud3 is ok again. But then within some time popup on my iPhone and watch again. and this in the log of iCloud3. There is nothing in notification or integration to do the steps again

@poudenes When you touch Allow on the map on your phone, the 6-digit number is displayed. Is it the same number as the last time it was displayed? Does it still allow access to your account, even if you do not go through the verification process in the iCloud3 configuration that is selected on the iCloud Account screen?

When I push allow I het the 6 digits and then close the screen. ICloud integration is showing they it needs to verify. But there is no way to.do in HA. I disabled the integration yesterday and still then I get the messages. Now restart HA and the messages are gone. So even when you disable iCloud 3 it’s asking to verify

You can still enter the code using the iCloud3 Configurator without getting the HA Notifications.
Devices z& Settings > iCloud3 Configuration > Action > Enter Verification Code

I think there is no “enter Verification code”

How often does Apple iCloud reverify this?

Yesterday, my iPhone showed as the last update was Yesterday. That’s very odd because the integration was working perfectly.

I opened the iPhone, launched the HA companion app, launched Maps. All while I was away from home. But it doesn’t trigger HA to update. No errors. I checked iPhone HA app, debug, it showed all proper updates.

I restarted HA, and I saw it asked icloud verification.

Is it probably because of that? Somehow HA lost verification and cannot get status from Apple iCloud?

After completing verification, until now, the update and next update states looks refreshed.

It’s on the iCloud Account Login Credentials screen.

It used to be on the Actions but must have been creating problems

Did a full “RESET AND REAUTHENTICATE ACCOUNT > Request a new Verification Code”
Lets see if this solved the issue.

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