Icon color based on state


since you’re creating template sensors, you need to have the platform: template in your yaml definitions, check https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.template/

Im not sure if you have that, so that would be the first thing to check. Also, as said, you need to update the custom-ui, did you do that?

if so try this:

  friendly_name: 'Couloir'
  value_template: >
    {% if is_state('binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001d556ae', 'on') %} Détecté
    {% else %} RAS
    {% endif %}
  icon_template: >
    {% if is_state('binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001d556ae', 'on') %} mdi:run-fast
    {% else %} mdi:run
    {% endif %}

the icon_color template should then work, if it is found in your include directory. I can’t see if that is named correctly, given the structure of your files. but first try the other template and see in dev-state what the result might be

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Thanks for your answer, i do have the last custom_ui:


I have just edited my sensor.yaml file, my sensor was already created with the platform: template :

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Couloir'
      value_template: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001d556ae', 'on') %} Détecté
        {% else %} RAS
        {% endif %}
      icon_template: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001d556ae', 'on') %} mdi:run-fast
        {% else %} mdi:run
        {% endif %}   

Will tell if it works.

Thanks :bowing_man:

The code you posted is giving me the same result i had before. The states and icons changes are working prefectly, but still not color change with the icons.

‘‘the icon_color template should then work, if it is found in your include directory. I can’t see if that is named correctly’’

Wish directory are you talking about?


Hi @Mariusthvdb
Thanks for the warning. After reading your post and some more experimenting, I found that if I changed the device class from ‘device_class: opening’ to ‘device_class: switch’, then I no longer needed the state: template - which was designed to change the default value of “Open/Close” to “On/Off”.

As a bonus, my icon_colors now work again. I don’t understand the underlying reason for the fix…

have a look:

you should have the folder customize, in which you put the other yaml files with the customizations. In that file you should use the customization you already posted…

maybe use the directive:

customize: !include customize.yaml if you have no other files in that folder? Of course put the customize.yaml file in your config directory then.

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yes. always a good practice, using device_class when you can.

good to hear its working for you now, glad to have been of help

You are the one @Mariusthvdb!

I was editing my config on the customize.yaml instead of in the folder. Dumb…

Thank you to point out my mistake and for the great help you always gave me.:+1:

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Most welcome!

I try change icon for my cover in home assistant and i add to customize.yaml file this but no working… Still show default icon:

    icon: >
      {% if is_state('cover.roller_shutter_for_ha_0_1', 'open') %} mdi:window-shutter-open
      {% else %} mdi:window-shutter
      {% endif %}

Please anybody can help me…

I’m using following:

    icon: "if (state === 'off') return 'mdi:door-closed'; else if (state == 'on') return 'mdi:door-open';"

OK i test you solution but also not working. I add it to customize.yaml for my Roller Shutter and it looks like:

  icon: "if (state === 'open') return 'mdi:window-shutter-open'; else if (state == 'closed') return 'mdi:window-shutter';"

Now for Roller not show any icon.

Yau are using it on default entity card ?

And you have this code for icon in customize.yaml or in code card in Lovelace ?

And what type entity is your ? It is platform templating or binary sensor ?

your template seems fine, what happens in developer/template?

if that works, you should be able to use it as an icon_template, provided the component supports an icon template. don’t think Cover does though: Cover - Home Assistant

If not you could use custom-ui, and use the JS template

        icon: >
          if (state === 'open') return 'mdi:window-shutter-open';
          return 'mdi:window-shutter';

note this is not in Lovelace cards. Depending on the cards you use Lovelace cards need their own syntax, or can’t use templating at all…

For cover i can not change icon ?
Only by custom UI i can ?

not sure, did you try what I suggested above?

i put this to template in developer tool it show error:

Error rendering template: TemplateSyntaxError: unexpected char ‘‘’ at 15

correct to

{% if is_state('cover.roller_shutter_for_ha_0_1', 'open') %} mdi:window-shutter-open {% else %} mdi:window-shutter {% endif %}

and in dev tool - template show only: mdi:window-shutter (state is closed)
But when state is open show in dev-tool template mdi:window-shutter-open

add it to config card entity and it looks like:

  - entity: scene.swiatlo_scene
  - entity: cover.roller_shutter_for_ha_0_1
      icon: >
        {% if is_state('cover.roller_shutter_for_ha_0_1', 'open') %}
        mdi:window-shutter-open {% else %} mdi:window-shutter {% endif %}
show_header_toggle: false
title: Sceny
type: entities

and also not showing correct icon. Still default icon.

haha, note that the quote was your own code, but because of the editor here in the community that sometimes gets changed to us reversed quotes, always be careful copying from the community :wink:

so, the template itself is correct.

next step would be to add it in the config to customize the entity, following these guidelines: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/customizing-devices/

but since you need the template, this can’t be done straightaway. Now I dont know about the cover integration, but the docs seems not to show an option for customizing the icon? You could try of course :wink: it would probably say ‘invalid config’ is not supported.

After that, your final solution would be to use custom-ui indeed. Which makes it all possible… use the js template I suggested, and you’re done.

the card you show above is a lovelace card, the cant use templates at all. so you should take that out.

You can use other cards, like custom button card, and have icons change depending on state.

Or have a look at Picture entity card and use the state filter: https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/picture-entity/#examples (picture, not icon though)

i added it to customize.yaml and still not working:

    icon: >
      {% if is_state('cover.roller_shutter_for_ha_0_1', 'open') %} mdi:window-shutter-open {% else %} mdi:window-shutter {% endif %}

If no working solution is only use custom card to do it ?
I dont know why option change icon for cover is no implement in Home Assistant. This is no look good…

I am using customizer and customize_glob.yaml (add on for HA) as mentionned by @km2000us on Mar 21, 19…

Here is an example from customize_glob.yaml:

  friendly_name: Pompe Etang Intérieur
    icon_color: if (state === 'on') return 'lime'; else return 'red';
    icon: if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:water-pump'; else return 'mdi:water-pump-off';

But it is for switch not for cover.