Icon color depending on state

I have searched all over but cant find a solution to have mdi icons to change color whether the entity is on or off

    - type: icon
      icon: mdi:lamp
      entity: light.living_room_window_light
        top: 60%
        left: 17%

Not sure about icon but works on state-icon here

It worked thank you :slight_smile:

I have also added motion sensors but they never change color.

    - type: state-icon
      icon: mdi:google-home
      entity: sensor.kitchen_motion_sensor
        top: 43%
        left: 34%
      "--paper-item-icon-color": rgb(89, 89, 89)
      "--paper-item-icon-active-color": yellow brightness(130%) saturate(1.5) drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px black)

Found out that you can’t do the “paper-item-icon-active-color” trick with Sensor variables … does work with binary_sensors though.