If I use a hass.io image, is it possible to get a root prompt to install other Linux programs?

I want to install a nodeserver called polyglot, and possibly other services that aren’t available on the store. Is this possible? Will future development still include the option to install hassio using Debian stretch from the command prompt?

I think you can’t be design.

My guess is there are 2 options:

  • create an add on yourself (this actually is a docker image)
  • install HASS.io on a generic Linux server

If you’re looking to run HA on a *nix system anyways why not just go ahead and install the latest Debian lite and roll with it?

I was under the impression that hass.io is going to be the only HA version sometime in the future. Is that incorrect? I have no problem using HA installed from the command prompt.


Hass.io is HA in docker
There will always be HA python package which means venv will also be possible