@mr-varga - I stumbled onto this thread after my humidity sensor was reporting -999 Anyway I was monkeying around today and I believe you need to cast your state to a float. This works for me:
{%- if states.sensor.pws_relative_humidity.state|float >= 0 and states.sensor.pws_relative_humidity.state|float <= 100 -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
its not exactly what you need, as you cannot define a range of permissable values in the outlier filter. Its close to the “range” filter, but range just floors and caps the values, not ignore them.
Brilliant! I love it. The only thing is that I’d much prefer if the “else” would just return the last valid reading. Any idea if that would be possible?
you could use the “variable” component, to always save the last valid value from the sensor, as soon as it’s read. That way you have a ‘saved state’ sort of solution.
I’m sure there are more elegant solutions. Though I can think of none right now ^^.
If you’re new to the variable component, this helped me a lot:
When I start HA, Zwave devices get their initial values from cfg***.xml
My energy usage meter has cumulative values, but when HA starts, HA shows the value from file.
Every time I restart, it shows in dip in cumulative energy usage.
Wolud it be possible to create a filter that simply ignores values that are out of range. The Filter- component does not seem to ignore values but interpolates new values. It would be better to have an option just to drop the wrong values. Not recorded anywhere and not propagating value changes to objects depending on it?
I solved this by assigning template sensor its own value back.
Beware that if you do this you need to define entity_id, otherwise automatic detection will start infinite update loop.
Hi @Korl, I’m in the process of try to do something smiler, whoud you be able to share your temolate sensor? I have a sensor where I want it to avoid any “0” or “100” values, as when the sensor get this value it’s usually a mistak and not a real value.
I have to bump that thread up again, sorry for that
I mostlikely have the same issue, but I’m not able to limit the values to a specific range, because the sensor I’m using is serving data to my energy meters, and is a total_increasing one.
As you can see, this is the sensor grabbing data from my smart meter about the power from my photovoltaic system, injected back to the grid.
Due to the hiccups of the sensor, my energy meters for daily, weekly, monthy and so on, gets confused and this is messing up the historical data over the recording period.
Any chance I can filter the sensors value to get it sorted out, when it’s totaly different from the previous one that has been recorded?