IIS Reverse Proxy, Home Assistant, and Google Assistant Component

Hi @rhessinger ,
thank you very very much for your interest.
Using your config I have always this error:

is a duplicate entry that is in C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\DefaultAppPool\DefaultAppPool.config…
Any idea?

That looks like it is a duplicate entry from your screen shot. I would try to remove it from your web config.

Remove from DefaultAppPool.config?

It looks like your DefaultAppPool.config is adding that in the rewrite rules by default. I’m not sure exactly what is conflicting though. Maybe try to remove it from the ReverseProxyInboundRule1 rule and see if that resolves it. The error makes it sound like you have a line in your “Web.config” to add that as an <allowedServerVariable>, but the syntax differs. The next thing to check is your preConditions, maybe try removing it from there. I didn’t have that error when I did mine, so it’s hard to say.

Thanks, I’ll do some testing and let you know.

Hi, good news.
Error of duplicate entry is solved!
In the past I entered server variables in Default website and into “ha” web app. I removed from Default Website and now I have a “simple” HTTP 404.0…

I see the light at the end of the tunnel…
: )
Many many Thanks!