I’m not sure anything can be done as-is. I’m setting up both zha event and mqtt triggers, so if you dont have any mqtt integration, it’s probably causing this error log as it’s not recognized as a valid trigger in your setup.
The only thing that could be done would be to split the blueprint for ZHA on one hand and Z2M on the other hand, which is not something I’m planning.
If you’re comfortable enough, you could edit the blueprint to remove any reference to mqtt. Be careful though, as if you keep the source_url and reimport the blueprint in the future, all local changes would be overriden.
damru thank you very much for your super blueprint. It works very well, especially the double-click.
I use my rodret in direct bind with various hue lamps.
so now i really like to use the double-click to start different things, in my case the double-click off does a segment cleaning with my dreame x40 running valetudo. The double-click on switches off all the other lamps in the apartment. I love it!
well, in some areas it would be great to be able to open and close the curtains or the front door, for example.
I wondered if it would be possible, if double-click can be realized in blueprint, then why not:
on - off
off - on
be a pattern that your blueprint can recognize.
I have adapted and extended the code but unfortunately it does not work: