IKEA SOMRIG control everything. Works with Z2M and ZHA

IKEA SOMRIG controls everything via Z2M and ZHA

Hello people!

This plan will allow you to control anything with IKEA SOMRIG controller(E2213)

Works with: Z2M and ZHA

Requires addons to be installed MQTT + Z2M addon or ZHA

Blueprint includes a search window that will only show you IKEA SOMRIG E2213 devices that you have loaded into Home Assistant.

Available controls:

  • Press the one dot or two dots buttons
  • Double press the one dot or two dost buttons.
  • Press and hold the one dot or two dots buttons.
  • Helper - Hold delay, Delay between the execution of the Hold action(s).
  • Helper - Max number of loops Maximum number of loops when holding down a button.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

:heavy_check_mark: :x: Older version v1.0 without automatic search for all IKEA SOMRIG devices here.
:heavy_check_mark: :x: Older version v1.1 with automatic search for all IKEA SOMRIG devices. here.

There is a controller device search box in the Blueprint that will only show IKEA SOMRIG E2213 devices.

More detailed instructions are on my GitHub here.

It was inspired by [IKEA RODRET Dimmer Remote (E2201) - ZHA/Z2M] by @Damru.

Hello @Bearstorm ,

FYI Somrig is already supported by the original blueprint :eyes:

Hi @Damru

Yes it is included there. My idea was to have a Blueprint that is pure for only one device, namely SOMRIG.

:white_check_mark:Added automatic search for only IKEA Somrig devices in HA. v1.1
:white_check_mark:Added ZHA integration. v1.2