Hi silvrr,
i’m using ikea bulbs but only white ones. The HA integration is perfect, you can change the brightness, rgb color (but my bulbs can’t) and color_temp.
Below an example of bulbs attribute:
rgb_color: 255,206,119
color_temp: 370
brightness: 254
friendly_name: Ingresso
supported_features: 33
and sensor are used to show attribute of switch or dimmer, the only one i use is the % of battery, another example, this is the sensor:
unit_of_measurement: %
manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
friendly_name: Ingresso
model_number: TRADFRI remote control
power_source: Battery
battery_level: 100
firmware_version: 1.2.214
I have white (temperature tunable) bulbs that work great and the remote is nice.
I can pull the remotes battery level using a template sensor. I’m not sure what the sensor platform does that you can already do. I was hoping the ikea PIR sensors were now supported.
For anyone with the RGB bulbs, how is the integration? I have some WiFi bulbs now but if the TRÅDFRI bulbs work well I would be interested in switching.
Battery information was already supported since 0.5x so what’s new about the sensors in 0.67 then?
There was a HA user who succeeded retrieving the sensor events. I joped this was implemented now in 0.67