IKEA Vindriktning Air Quality Sensor

Got mine working great, but I used a temporary long length of cable so I took it back apart, trimmed the cable and resoldered. As I screwed the case together I heard a small crunch… and a rattle. I reopened the case and found I’d put the ESP8266 into a position where the ceramic wifi antenna was wedged and as I screwed it tight the it shattered.

Never mind, I went to go swap it out and in doing so ripped one of the pads off the Vindrinktnings PCB…By this point I thought my luck cant get any worse and tried to use the trace at the top of the board…which also ripped off.

I have 4 more that have arrived so this time around Im doing it slightly differently. I bought 4x 5way picoblade sockets, and 2x 5way picoblade double ended cables. My soldering is far from the best but I managed to solder the picoblade socket to the top of the board. When the cables arrive I’ll be cutting them in half (I did look at crimping my own cables but when I saw the size of the pins I decided against it) and soldering them to the ESPs and just plugging in. No more damaging pads and track for me