IKEA VINDSTYRKA Zigbee Air quality sensor

It is 0x0402, temperature reported as °C * 100.

TemperatureMeasurement (Endpoint id: 1, Id: 0x0402, Type: in)
measured_value (id: 0x0000)

Hi everyone,
I am new to HA so some questions might be naive.

Today I added a Vindstyrka via the Dirigera hub /Homekit to HA.

  1. is the “Air Quality” entry related to the VOC measurement? The values “1” doesn’t seem to change at all…

  2. I see some screenshots here with decimals values reported but I only get full numbers for temp. etc., is there a way to change that?


Spray something near it - body spray, hairspray, etc. Then you’ll see the number jump:

That’s from Z2M, but you can clearly see when my wife did her hair.

Thanks, but it seems the “air quality” and “PM2.5” value dont update at all.in HA. They do on the display and pm2.5 changes in the Dirigera app though

Yeah, same for me. I’d love to find out where things get stuck - i.e. whether a “real” homekit setup would see the same “stuck” sensor values.

Ok, somehow managed to get the automation running and suddenly PM2.5 value is updating.

But I cant manage to create a sensor template for TVOC as “devices&services/helpers/create helper” doesn’t give me the option to create a “sensor” or “template sensor” as reported here.

Any Ideas? Anything I need to activate or add after installing zha toolkit maybe?


oh and then there still is the “Air Quality” entity which is constantly 1, no idea what that is.

Choose create a helper and then select “template” from the list

Thx, but this option is not existing. Might be related to having had to downgrade HA version for another reason.

I managed to add some code above manually via sensor.yamls though but tvoc is not reporting.

I am accessing through the Dirigera hub, should the ZHA toolkit approach to get VOC index still work, or would I need to connect via a zigbee stick for that?

At least PM2.5 started updating after adding the ZHA toolkit automation.

Hi all,

Thanks for all the tips & experiences in this topic, very helpful!

I am using the automation mentioned here with the ZHA toolkit to pull the tVOC value and PM2.5 value every 30 secs, which seems to only work for tVOC.

Also what I find is that all other values like temp and humidity never seem to update, and where pm2.5 was updating before, it now doesn’t read anything.

I have tried to add temperature 0x0402 but that doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Does anyone have a working method with ZHA & ZHA toolkit to get all 4 values updated steadily?

I am also not sure what to fill out at IEEE at the automation.
I have seen examples using the identifier of the sensor eg 3c:2e:f5:ff:fe:ef:7f:ba, but also examples using the sensor name. Does it matter what is used?


I guess I can’t get the tvoc readings as I am connected via the Dirigera hub?

However the automation worked to enable regular pm2.5 and “air quality” updates.

Regarding the “air quality” reading, does anyone know the scale/limits of this? So far I experienced values up to 3 which corresponded to the display being between the green &yellow areas, so I assume it’s somewhere between 0-10? Couldn’t find any specs online so far for this.

Hi everyone, i’m using it with zigbee 2mqtt but i have a problem with data. All sensors are working flawless updating data unless the temperatature one! I saw that it updates every few hours so that i cannot use it for something related with thermostat. Does it happen to you as well?

I’m having issues setting up Automation for PM2.5 and tVOC…
Are these actual device names?
lounge_aqi, office_aqi, etc…
I’m getting this error:
Error: ‘Device not found: nwk=None, ieee=None’

Thanks so much chendo!

I noticed that as well. In zigbee2mqtt it shows
VOC index - Sensirion VOC index

If someone knows how to convert this to ppb I would be thankful. I cannot really do anything useful with this sensirion index.

You can’t. The Sensirion VOC sensor that is used by the Ikea only reports VOC Index. This is explained on the Sensirion website here: https://sensirion.com/media/documents/02232963/6294E043/Info_Note_VOC_Index.pdf

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Do those sensor templates still work for you guys? I think I have tried every single configuration from this topic and my automation always throws an error

Error: async_get() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

this is the automation I currently have

alias: Czytaj parametry tVOC
description: Use ZHA_toolkit
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: "0"
    minutes: /1
condition: []
  - parallel:
      - repeat:
            - sypialnia_aqi
            - salon_aqi
            - service: zha_toolkit.attr_read
                ieee: sensor.{{ repeat.item }}_particulate_matter
                endpoint: 1
                manf: 4476
                cluster: 1066
                attribute: 0
                state_id: sensor.{{ repeat.item }}_particulate_matter
            - service: zha_toolkit.attr_read
                ieee: sensor.{{ repeat.item }}_particulate_matter
                endpoint: 1
                manf: 4476
                cluster: 64638
                attribute: 0
                state_id: sensor.{{ repeat.item }}_tvoc
mode: single

and the sensors.yaml contain following

- platform: template
      unique_id: sypialnia_aqi_tvoc
      friendly_name: "Sypialnia AQI TVOC"
      device_class: aqi
      unit_of_measurement: "TVOC index"
      icon_template: mdi:weather-dust
      value_template: ""
      unique_id: salon_aqi_tvoc
      friendly_name: "Salon AQI TVOC"
      device_class: aqi
      unit_of_measurement: "TVOC index"
      icon_template: mdi:weather-dust
      value_template: ""

ideas, anyone?

This no longer works until issue #229 is fixed in the ZHA toolkit.
You can apply pull request #235 manually if you have the skill, or wait until it is merged and released.

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thank you very much for the info. Yeah I can apply that fix :slight_smile:

so ive just stumbled across this thread as i got one of these sensors on the weekend and wanted to hook it up. i managed to just plug in a Sonoff zigbee, and just press the configure button and it started pulling data in but not for all the options, so the index value and the tvoc arrow thing isnt working.

do i need to do some other configuration changes to get the extra values, maybe using the MQTT, or are there other update issues going on right now?


Most of the thread is about this. The TVOC Index is not provided as a sensor, you have to manually create an extra sensor and use for example ZHA toolkit to read it and update the sensor value. See for example this post.