I'm going slightly mad: RFXcom on HASSIO , tried every option , still no joy

Okey good. Do you guys use fire_event feature? We are going to have to change that to be on platform level rather than linked to entities. Could you share how you use it?

Moved to node red and the rfxtrx module there to push data to MQTT.
Did so because HA stopped to get new data from rfxtrx every few hours (or at max days) and after a restart assigned new ids to the sensors.

I only use the signal_received event

Only using cover and homeassistant turn on/off serviceS

So lots of changes that have now been merged that Will be in next release. Breaking changes for how config looks (all config on the rfxtrx node) and what events exist. Just a heads up.

@EGO01 signal_received is replaced by rfxtrx_event. It’s content have changed as well. There is no entity id anymore. So you need to filter on other data (still need to be enabled in config)

So, if you have the ability to test when next beta comes out, or from dev branch I will have time to fix issues.

You can look here: https://next.home-assistant.io/integrations/rfxtrx/

Thank You for this message. I am a new user for HA and this gave me trust. Only problem was/is that RFXcom usage was changed at the end of July 2020. You need now only port for rfxtrx433 and device IDs, no names, datatypes…, just like what was on HA RFXCOM info on webpage. Simple. But thank You. Greeting


Did you every found a solution for auto add a Kaku ACM-2300 or is it impossible without a remote?

You also state that you generate the codes through /dev-template. Can you please help me, to get on track with generating the proper codes through dev-template


I got them to work using the above guide but replaced them with Fibaro z-wave switches in the meantime

Thank you for you quick reply. Did you get them fully operational?

I have generated a code, but the switch state is different from the binary sensor.

And if I toggle the conventional light switch the state of the KAKU switch does not change in HA

I can not find what is going wrong

Yes got them to work eventually, KAKU does not report status back to HA.
Search in integrations for rfxtrx , that should get you sorted, that’s how I control my blinds

Thank ypou, I will give a try :slight_smile: