I'm really looking forward to the launch of hass I've been waiting a very long time for the launch is this normal?

Please help me! I’m really looking forward to the launch of hass I’ve been waiting a very long time for the launch is this normal?

(homeassistant) homeassistant@LAPTOP-EHP244SO:/srv/homeassistant$ hass

Unable to find configuration. Creating default one in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant

2023-03-31 13:17:51.293 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: bluetooth

Did you try connecting to the web UI yet?

This is from the terminal.
Technical information: connectionfailure error

There’s no terminal interface.

As you’re using a pure Core install (Docker is easier FYI) then you’ll need to add a systemd unit file to start HA automatically, as a service.

As mentioned in the install docs the first install requires downloading and installing many things. You can watch what’s going on with the likes of top - with a Core install it’s common to see lots of cc1 as things are compiled.

In other words: your HA system does not have a graphical interface.
You have to connect to it from another system with a browser which you point to HA-IP:8123