I'm unhappy with the removal of GPIO

I agree

Just finished building an alarm system for our new house and hardwired 6 doors and 20 windows, spent months setting this up and getting it working, only to find out it will be removed!

The whole reason for using home assistant was the GPIO support!

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Well you can still do that. Use the custom component.

What custom component are you referring too?

Youā€™ll find rpi-gpio in hacs.

Iā€™m sorry, not following, isnā€™t that what is getting removed?

Hacs is certainly not being removed.

The gpio support is being removed from ha core. It can be installed as a custom component. Via hacs is easiest.

Is there any chance of someone picking up Raspihats and moving it to HACS similar to rpi_gpio? Itā€™s slated to disappear in the April releaseā€¦

Are they even still alive?

Our new site will be online on 01.07.2019

I have no idea, but mine certainly is :wink:

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I suggest you copy the code over to your custom_components directory and add a version key to manifest.json. At least it will survive 2022.4.

As for ongoing maintenance, youā€™ll have to do it yourself or hope someone picks it up.

Thanks for the tip.
Had to perform the following operations:

  1. Comment out the raspihats config lines in config.yaml
  2. Upgrade HA Core
  3. Download the raspihats component files from HA Core github (link below)
  4. Move the component files to custom_components/raspihats directory
  5. Add a version number to the manifest.json
  6. Reboot
  7. Uncomment the raspihats config lines
  8. Reboot

Now it works again :tada:

Location for files to copy:

Home Assistant Core v2022.3.8 Raspihats

Move files into:


Edit manifest.json and add "version": "1.0" (version number not important).

Example manifest.json:

  "domain": "raspihats",
  "name": "Raspihats",
  "documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/raspihats",
  "requirements": ["raspihats==2.2.3", "smbus-cffi==0.5.1"],
  "codeowners": [],
  "version": "1.0",
  "iot_class": "local_push"

Hope this helps someone.



Moved over to Home Assistant so all my smart meters were working in one location

to find out your pulling support for commonly used thermal probes ā€¦
I have hundreds of fish tanks I monitor with 1 - wire sensors like the ds18b20

why the heck would I want to use ESPHome wifi is flaky

Donā€™t use wifi then. ESPhome supports wired ethernet.

Besides 1 wire isnā€™t being removed, it is still accessible via owserver.

I have owserver installed using

but I can not get it to find any devices because I have no way to enable 1wire ?

 OS Version:               Home Assistant OS 7.6
  Home Assistant Core:      2022.4.6

How do I get devices to show up with that OS ?

I have wasted a week now trying to get what should be a simple device working
but as Home assistant supports my meross + sonoff switches I am moving from domoticz

this file no longer exists /boot/config.txt

for adding dtoverlay=w1-gpio

and adding this did nothing


  - platform: onewire
    mount_dir: /sys/bus/w1/devices/

Thanks @tom_l. Have you made the move to the ESP route for your setup yet? I am a a bit of an ESP newb, any chance you can point me to exactly what I would need or a guide that details this out?

My initial experiments with Pi GPOI on Home Assistant (four years ago) put me right off using it. I used a separate Pi running Flyteā€™s MQTT-GPIO software for a while but recently changed that to an Ethernet connected ESP with port expanders running ESPHome. You can find out about ESPHome here: https://esphome.io/index.html There are many excellent tutorials online for example https://frenck.dev/diy-smart-doorbell-for-just-2-dollar/

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Thanks, which ESP board did you go with and which port expanders?



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Would some kind soul provide me a link to the appropriate Community Forum to enquire how I can get my previously working BH1750 light-sensor using Raspberry Pi GPIO to work using either the community rpi_gpio integration or ESPHome, now that inbuilt GPIO has been deprecated from HomeAssistant? (I just dont know where the right place is to get help on this)