Import KNX files into the HA

Good morning guys,

hope you are doing well?
This is my first post here in this community because I’m just starting with KNX and HA.
My question is. Is it possible to import my existing KNX system to the HA? The file type is file.esf or, I#ve got from my electrician or do i need the electrician to configure all manually to my HA?
I’m very keen to import 1:1 my knx file to he HA and it would be great if someone can support me or give some helping hands here because I’m very new :-).
My deployment looks like Home router–>HA–>MDT IP Gateway/Router–>KNX System
I’m able to ping from the HA to the IP gateway but I can confirm that the connection is established?
My first test config looks like below and i can see the first button on the HA

KNX IP Interface

host: “”

#Lights Paul#


- name: “Kitchen_HAVI”
address: “1/0/9”
state_address: “1/1/9”

# ETest
- name: "Kitchen_ST"
  address: "1/0/1"
  state_address: "1/1/9"

Example configuration.yaml entry

- name: “Sankt Paul”
temperature_address: “5/1/1”
setpoint_shift_address: “5/1/2”
setpoint_shift_state_address: “5/1/3”
target_temperature_state_address: “5/1/4”
operation_mode_address: “5/1/5”
operation_mode_state_address: “5/1/6”

No this is not possible. Looks like Mathias has a way for you below.

Some of your current configuration is already outdated (eg. tunneling:) so you might have looked at an outdated source for reference - see KNX - Home Assistant for most current documentation.

There are some projects aiming to import from a .knxproj file, but I don’t know about the results they yield. See GitHub - laurent-martin/ets-to-homeassistant: script to convert ETS5 project file to a YAML configuration file suitable for Home Assistant
Imho it’s better to do it yourself to understand the semantics and get to know the possible options each platform has. The rest is just cooy&paste. HomeAssistant VSCode Plugin is also a good help (but currently also a bit out of date).

PS: please use code tags (```) for yaml.

first of all thank you for your Feedback.
I’m gonna try to do it manually . I’ve just reviewed the HA documentation and didnt find anything about the IP settings or connectivity . when i add the KNX integration via the GIU, what is the right settings of my ip addresses ? KNX IP GW has the and HA
There is an input for default individual address / Mulitcast address / Multicast port / Local IP of HA / Local IP oof host and how i can verify that this IP connection is establisehd

Just use “automatic” and leave all settings as they are. If it works there is no need to mangle with these settings.
It will show a warning in the integrations panel if the connection can’t be established.

If you have multiple gateways and want to use one specific then select “Tunneling” and set the interface IP (in the 2nd screen of the flow).

Hello @farmio,

is it possible to integrate the (X)KNX Project into HA?

Well, thats the plan at least.
I can’t forecast any release date as not even work on xknxproject itself is finished currently, let alone its integration into HA (we are aiming for a custom panel). Every help is welcome :wink:

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Some updates about it ?


Sure, the custom panel is there since some releases now, and xknxproject is already working to parse project files.
The data is currently used in the group monitor and for interface device triggers.

Thanks for the great info but where ? I can’t find anything in HA integrations neither in HACS and nothing also on github of Xknx project :frowning:

It’s bundled in the core KNX integration. (No HACS, no custom component). You have a KNX dashboard available in your left sidebar as soon as the integration is loaded.

The code is found on GitHub at xknx and in the HA core repo… but you don’t need any of that if you are not developing.

Thanks for clarification, I chatted with a guy that has the integration running already (I’ll have some KNX devices at hand only next week) and he tells me that the GAs don’t show up as entities or anything controlable :frowning: Is it normal ? as description of xknx indicates it’s supposed to import GAs :confused:

Yes, that’s the current state.

GAs are not automatically mappable to entities.

Why ? as the DPT should allow to map them properly no ? as least for most current ones likes Switches, dimmers…

They are ambiguous imho. Imho you can’t reliably distinguish eg. a GA representing a door contact from an individual color blue status group object.
Have a read here Entity creation from UI · XKNX/knx-frontend · Discussion #50 · GitHub

I am new to HA and have limited knowledge with coding and programming.
i have a big KNX file and i what to import all my devices to HA but i cant write the yaml file. can anyone help me with that?

Hi, how to load a knx project file into HA?
Can somebody explain

the only file I can see to import is a ‘.knxkeys’ file, but I only have a ‘.knxproj’ .

Hi :wave:!
That’s available in the Knx dashboard you find in the left menu bar.

Thank you for the quick response, but KNX was not visible of the left side menu bar.
Did lot’s of restarts without any change, then it came to my mind to shutdown the RPI and restart.
Now the KNX is visible and I can load the project file.

Kind Regards,