Improve Scene editor, allow scene edits without setting devices' states

Another +1 vote from me

Apparently this issue is going on 4 years now… not very reassuring to expect a solution soon. You have my 1 up-vote, that’s all I can give. Besides perhaps some money to incentivize a talented programmer?

+1, bumped on this now, is really frustating.

Same here, scenes are pretty unusable because of that.

Signed up just to add a +1 to this. Was just trying to edit my goodnight scene and shut down the whole house…


This is really frustrating and potentially dangerous. Please at least give us the possibility to turn it off


I understand your confusion.
The fact that I didn’t want the yaml to go away doesn’t mean I don’t want any UI. I want my configs to be:

  • readable
  • easy to diff
  • easy to store in git

The fact that you can put a UI editor on top doesn’t have anything to do with that.

Looking for another argument again? Why dredge this up after a year?

no, not at all. I wanted to answer you one year ago, and it has been itching me since then. I don’t visit the forums ofter, so I delayed it till now. We can consider that conversation over, after all the decission was taken and there is nothing to discuss. I just wanted to point out that I still want a UI + yaml

Like others sugned up to support this. Makes no sense at all to me to have live scenes as a default in edit mode. Very inconvenient, counterintuitive and, conceivably, even dangerous. Make the capture current states an option please someone.


+1 from me. Really annoying to work on a UI editor that triggers things you do not want to.

+1 from me too! I’ve just started editing my first Scenes and found this to be really annoying!

+1 for me as well.

No need to enter into to much details: everything has been said already about the why and th ehow. I’ll just add this: if the current design is so hard to modify, if such an amount of pressure from users was not enough to have you modify it after 3 years, if it creates so much dissatisfaction and hatred, just put it to rest OK? Remove the feature. Point users to scripts as the new way to implement scenes, and that you’ll be implementing it again, correctly this time, when you have the resources.

In the meantime, you’ll spare yourself having to deal with this kind of thread. :slight_smile:

[Edit: typo]

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yes its quite anoying on my side too, when i’am editing a nightscene.


A simple toggle button (Live) that by default is turned off is all we need.


Home Assistant is fantastic in almost every way! Except this…

I’m not a real programmer (at least not a good one), so maybe someone can clarify why fixing this is so complicated. I mean editing scenes without activating them is already possible through YAML. So why not replace the current scene editor with a UI that just edits the YAML file in a more user friendly way? Exactly like the automation and script editors.

Add a real-time preview toggle, and maybe a “snapshot” button next to each entity/device to fill in the current states and everyone is happy. Basically, when editing a state with the usual interfaces, write to the YAML instead of to the state machine. Only also write to the state machine if previewing is active.

That said, I understand that this won’t get done untill someone decides they want to do it. And I certainly don’t have what it takes. But hopefully the great ideas in this thread will eventually inspire some dev to do it…

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Adding another +1 voice here, hoping for a toggle button that defaults to Off, or something similar, so that devices aren’t triggered to change state while editing a scene.

In my case, I have an air purifier in a few different scenes that, unfortunately, doesn’t save power state. So if it is switched off during editing a scene, I have to go to it an manually turn it back on once the scene is saved/exited and power is restored.

Consider me an upvote as well. Although I understand some logic of allowing a scene to capture the state of current entities in their entirety, that needs to be an option, or at least an option to turn it off while editing.

I have been getting yelled at by my wife every time I try to modify a scene and it turn off lights in front of her (or doing even disruptive things).

I am looking at comments on this subject going on for years. I can’t believe that the powers at be managing this for home assistant aren’t listening to the outpouring request to stop this madness - for years now.

HA is a great platform. I would like to be able to continue to use scenes because it makes life easier when I integrate with Alexa and HomeKit. Of course I could edit everything in yaml, but that defeats the purpose of a gui. I can also use scripts or automations instead, but again, a scene has a specific purpose and usefulness that I would like to use the way other platforms would work.

Make it a configurable choice at least

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Having things like lights change as you build the scene makes sense so that you can see the light setup during testing (you could just as easily fire the scene to test it). When you set the temperature on multiple thermostats and it fires as you edit, this is really bad. Thermostats should only be adjusted when you are explicitly pushing a test button.

Edit: After thinking on this, I think scenes function fine. Scripts have a pretty similar GUI, and for things other than lights, scripts do seem to be better. I didn’t notice how easy scripts are to write (even through the scripts GUI), and they only set the properties that I intend them to set. The scene I was working with was setting all kinds of properties on the portable A/C rather than just setting the temperature. Seems like scenes should only be used with really simple changes (lights and really nothing else?).

I vote in favor of this improvement ASAP
