Improving Samsung TV Control


I don’t yet use the “tizen” version but the one that was available early February.

I do not offer support for old versions of my component. Please update to the latest version if you wish to be assisted.


I just use the ESPHome which has IR connected, controls all the TVs

I fail to see how this is in any way relevant to this discussion… IR blasters are a one way street, this component offers 1000x more features then just sending IR codes to a TV…


Source only works for “HDMI” and Apps (Google Assistant works for both of these as well)

You said you fixed the SmartThings API feature (which was due to an invalid token), so use the SmartThing Key Codes: ST_TV , ST_HDMI1 , ST_HDMI2 , ST_HDMI3 , etc.

Google Assistant doesn’t change change volume (up/down/mute) (UI works though)

Try saying “ok google, sync my devices”, then try the voice commands again. Do this 2-3 times to ensure it’s not a HA / Google Home sync issue that is causing this. I sometimes need to sync them a few times to get all TV features working for some reason.

Hi @jaruba,

I have installed your custom component to try to control HW-Q80R Soundbar. It’s running Tizen 4.1.10 and has support for Smartthings. After defining an empty app_list (app_list: '{}') it has finally appeared in HA, but I am not able to control it. All I can do is see current volume (but not control it) and turn soundbar off.

Are there any chances for a wider support?


This is a component for Samsung TVs that use Tizen, it uses the WS API, UPnP and SmartThings. It sounds like the only thing that your Soundbar supports from this stack is SmartThings.

The SmartThings integration is not used everywhere, as in many scenarios the local APIs will be much faster then the cloud API.

Also, the SmartThings API integration of this component is based off of the work of a contributor of this component, you can find his own component that is fully SmartThings linked in this comment:

It should work better for ur case.

I was hoping that it will be possible locally. Thank you for your suggestion, I will check it out


Thanks for the respons. So I did find that the ST_TV, ST_HDMI1/2/3 does in fact do the trick, which is awesome.

However, for the audio control via Google Assistant, I cannot get this working at all. I’ve tried syncing my devices multiple times and I know the sync works since I update my devices constantly with testing and adding new devices to Google Home. See my note about Volume Down and the exception I get for that, something doesn’t seem right with the audio controls:

I have checked repo suggested by @jaruba, it was not fully working with a soundbar, as it expected some TV-oriented values, so I have created a fork where I have removed incompatible stuff:

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Great work, thanks for the effort! :slight_smile: works perfectly on my Q8FN!

I’ve released a new version that should fix a few common issues that users have had with the new SmartThings features.

Can you please explain the difference between the two? Technically they’re the same?


@msmits2011 they are not the same, the “broadcast_address” is for specifying the subnet for the wakeonlan feature, it is only useful if the TV is on a different subnet then HA is, you can read more about that in this ticket:

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I am using this component instead of the built in one, which doesn’t appear to support my tv. However it seems to be very slow to detect the TV has been turned off. I have tried all three settings and they are all the same.
The TV is hard wired in to the network rather than wireless.
The current record is over an hour between the tv being turned off and HA being updated and therefore triggering other automations. 30 minutes or more is most common.
Any suggestions?

@scriven33 That seems highly irregular, have u updated this component to the latest release? with the default “ping” method, I always get the turn off state in 15 seconds. Have you also tried update_method: "websockets"? Although “ping” should be better… if all else fails u can even try the “smartthings” method, but I really hate this update method the most…

Yes, it is on the latest build. It was on a manual install, but I switched it across to HACS last night to see whether it improved matters - which updated the build to the latest. Been through all of the different settings, the last being the Smartthings method (which is the one that generated the hour between actual switch off and HA update).

@scriven33 I think your best bet is by removing update_method from your config completely and just trusting the default “ping” method.

I Got a RU7100, too. Would you mind sharing your config? Thanks a lot!


I’m looking to make the Smart Things API work for channel change. On the Samsung <-> Google Home integration, we can directly ask Google to put a channel and it does so even from an application like on Netflix.

Without the API with Home Assistant, I have to do KEY_EXIT + KEY_TV + KEY_1 for example

Is there a way with the API Smartthings integration to make a channel change directly from Home Assistant? If yes what’s the command ST_XXXX ?

I tried to change source to “ST_TV” with from Home Assistant and with Google and it’s cleary more faster than KEY_XX for me.

Otherwise I tried to do ST_TV + KEY_X but it doesn’t work. If I combine the ST_X with KEY_X it doesn’t work.

Thank you in advance for your return.

Which integration? I would like to know how to do this, having a Samsung Smart TV and google home.

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Integration. :

All works a charm in English (I tested). But in French i can’t get it to work for me.
Maybe Google haven’t integrate commands in French

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Otherwise I tried to do ST_TV + KEY_X but it doesn’t work. If I combine the ST_X with KEY_X it doesn’t work.

Yes, you can’t mix remote keys with SmartThings keys, it could be added, but given we only have SmartThings codes to change input, your example is the only use case that I can think of. If I could find SmartThings codes to change the channel directly, even that use case would stop being useful… So I’m not entirely sure it’s worth adding support to mix remote keys and SmartThings keys yet.

yes the best would be to find a command to change the channel with Smartthings as is currently the case with SmartThings integration - Google Home