Improving Samsung TV Control

No, I don’t have that issue. What Home Assistant version are you using? Maybe it’s an incompatibility error.

I am using the latest version 0.103.5

Almost installed this one but then i read your, will try it one of these days

Install this version instead:

Can’t wait to try this out, so much more useful than official component.

Using this integration, my tv doesn’t update its status to “off” when turning off the tv, using the remote. Its updates instantly if I use turn it off via Home Assistant.

Is this normal or would there be a solution to this?

Pretty sure that the remote will remain our main “turn-off-instrument” for the foreseeable future, and this would render having the tv in Home Assistant not all that useful, since the status could be wrong.

Yeah, I know that there are some issues now with the on / off states:

Did you fix this? I’m trying to install this but gets loads of these errors.

Try setting:

update_method: "ping"

in your config, it might fix the on / off state issues you’ve been having.

Will try to do that later today, thanks!

Haven’t fixed the state-error, but so far the error seems to be on/off, meaning that the state of the tv is sometimes shown correctly, even when turning off via the remote, and sometimes it’s not.

What kind of errors are you getting?

I got tons of the error you posted. But I see now that this doesn’t support my TV, I have the JU from 2015 which I think uses ctl. Haven’t made it work so not sure…

This explains a lot. This component is made specifically for 2016+ Samsung TVs (with Tizen).

What error do you mean though? As @steadi did not post an error afaik. Do you mean Retti’s error? (which I always suspected was due to an incompatible Samsung TV?)

Yeah, sorry! I meant Retti’s error.

UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘mute’ referenced before assignment

I only realized after that I had the 2015 TV. Thought I had a 2016…

The 2015 has Tizen too tho. At least the JU7005.

The error states that an API endpoint is not working as expected. There are numerous things based on this API, although more then one API is used.

So there seems to be a clear difference between 2015 Tizen and 2016+ Tizen.

I have couple of quetions that i do not know if they have been answered already, sorry if they have…

  1. Can we have show which app is running ? For example if i watch youtube to show youtube on home assistant, if i have spotify to show spotify etc

2)can we use voice command through google assistant to change between apps for example if i want to tell google to change the source from youtube to spotify or from turned off tv to open it on youtube or plex etc?

Thanks in advance… Keep up the good work guys!

I switched back to the official integration which is working fine but misses a lot of functionalities.
No idea why jarubas improved integration does not work for me even with a 2016 SUHD TV.

  1. Yes, you can do that
  2. Probably… but not how you imagine, Google Assistant has many limitations. You can tell it to turn on / off your TV, but if you want to change the input to something (be it a different HDMI source, to TV or an app), then the input source name has to be set to one of the google assistant supported words, which can be found on this list: