Improving Samsung TV Control

It’s getting there. At least some of the app can be selected from HA now. More testing later but didn’t want to forget/ Thank you


  • platform: samsungtv_tizen

    host: 192.168.1.
    port: 8002
    mac: ‘’
    name: ‘Samsung TV via Jaruba’
    update_method: ‘smartthings’ # ----- changed from smart things to not specified 11/19/2022 then chgd back due to it being slow
    api_key: ‘’
    device_id: ‘’
    source_list: ‘{“Hdmi-3”: “KEY_HDMI3”}’
    scan_app_http: False # maybe a little faster with this off

    app_list: ‘{“Netflix”:“3201907018807/”, “Prime Video”:“org.tizen.ignition”, “Plex”:“3201512006963/kIciSQlYEM.plex”, “YouTube TV”:“3201707014489”, “YouTube”:“111299001912”, “Spotify”: “3201606009684”, “Internet”: “org.tizen.browser” }’

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Yesterday there was a few apps that I could select and that they were reported in Lovelace but only for a short time. I tried a few things and made no more progress until I restarted HA. The Youtube app was then correctly reported as running but then things stopped again. I tried powering off and then restarting HA and Netflix playing on the TV and it was not recognized by HA. Susequent restarts are not consistent.
Ive tried with scan on and off as well as with and without smartthings

Any reccomendations if logging could be helpful. I cannot control it well enough to deal with the volume of the log despite trying the services to adjust log levels

i would heck security on the tv and communications between the tv and the home assistant instance, to start with.

Thanks for the integration.
I am finding trouble making it work properly.
I have the integration running and I can control turn on/off, volume, channel up/down etc.
But the integration does not show channel name nor I can launch any app.
I have smartthings configured with token and device id. I can control my tv with the smart things android app, but in home assistant nothing.

This is my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: samsungtv_tizen
    host: !secret samsung_tv_ip
    mac: !secret samsung_tv_mac
    api_key: !secret samsung_token
    device_id: !secret samsung_tv_device_id
    name: 'Televisión Samsung HACS'

I have right now My TV on, and I can see channel name in smartthigns android app, the device state in HA is on, but the attributes show no channel name:

  - TV
  - HDMI
volume_level: 0.1
is_volume_muted: false
device_class: tv
friendly_name: Televisión Samsung HACS
supported_features: 20413
media_title: TV/HDMI
source: TV/HDMI

Am i doing anything wrong? I have been hours trying getting this to work. Am I missing anything in configuration?

Thanks in advance for any help

Removed integration. Rebooted twice. Re-installed and found a lot of improvements and especially noted the config via the GUI. Anyway… Everything works well except triggering the Netflix. I found a thread discussing that so expect to find an answer there.

Thanks to the author(s). I have sought some control over this TV for a long time and am very pleased.

Try SamsungTVSmart. It is a fork of this integration and works really well. It allows to launch apps etc. All the problems I found, have been solved with it.

Hey all - I’m hoping someone can help me. I’m using Home Assistant on a Synology NAS, via Docker. I’ve installed HACS and the SamsungTV Tizen integration in HACS.

I’m trying to add my Samsung Frame (2020), using the below config. Whilst HA doesn’t present any errors, the TV appears as an entity (states off even when TV is on), however it doesn’t appear as a device or integration. Is this to be expected? Can I still control the device?

  - platform: 'samsungtv_tizen'
    host: '192.168.x.xx'
    port: '8002'
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    name: 'SamsungFrame'
    is_frame_tv: True
    update_method: 'smartthings'
    api_key: 'xxxx'
    device_id: 'xxxx'
    source_list: '{"name": "FireStick TV", "type": "input", "value": "HDMI3"},{"name": "Nintendo Switch", "type": "input", "value": "HDMI1"}'
    source_list: '{"Switch": "KEY_HDMI1", "FireStick": "KEY_HDMI1"}'
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