In the search of hardware control for generic thermostat

Hello to everyone.

I think I am in a search for a unicorn of some sort.

To give a bit of context: I am using ‘Generic Thermostat’ to control a heater, which is working quite nice. The issue is that I don’t have any other way of adjusting it except latop/phone app, which can be quite annoying, especially at night.

So I am in the search of something that I can integrate with HA to control the generic thermostat i already use. Some sort of basic controller with temperature display (current + target) and button/knob for ± and ON/OFF button.

Wifi / Zigbee / Z-Wave / Bluetooth- doesn’t matter as long as it can control the generic thermostat entity somehow.

And last but not least I kind of don’t want it to be for wall mounting.

P.S. Has anyone tried this thing →,scm-url:1007.40000.327270.0,pvid:47ba68cd-100a-4f9f-871e-209e7fe2e5b4,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238115%232000&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!28.80!20.16!!!30.71!21.50!%402103244817043624951444101e907c!12000035595517502!rec!BG!180901398!

The Bosch Thermostat basically does exactly this. Buy Room thermostat II | Bosch Smart Home

Normally they are used to work together with the Bosch valves, but it seems to be possible to directly integrate it through zigbee: Bosch Thermostat 2. Then you might be able to control your generic thermostat this way.