Incomplete Sensor Data Transfer from Home Assistant to InfluxDB via Docker Containers

Hello everyone,

I’m reaching out to the community for assistance with an issue I’m experiencing regarding the transfer of sensor data from Home Assistant to an InfluxDB database. Despite successful integration and some data being transmitted, I’m noticing that specific sensor data, particularly from the sensor domain, are not being transferred or appear in Grafana without any data points. Here are the details and what I’ve discovered so far:

  • Setup: My setup involves InfluxDB (version 1.8.10), Home Assistant, and Grafana running in separate Docker containers on the same system. The connection between Home Assistant and InfluxDB seems to work since some sensor data are correctly transferred and visible in Grafana.

  • Configuration: The configuration.yaml for InfluxDB in Home Assistant includes specific domains (sensor and binary_sensor) and entities for inclusion, with the automation domain excluded. This setup should theoretically capture all relevant sensor data.

  • Data Transmission: Although the connection is established (proven by some data being transferred successfully), explicit sensor data within the sensor domain are missing. This discrepancy suggests that the issue is not with the connection itself but possibly with how data are filtered or processed.

  • Observations on Units of Measurement: I’ve noticed that sensor data without a unit of measurement (e.g., power_factor) are being transmitted and displayed in Grafana, whereas others with units of measurement are either not transmitted at all or appear without any data. This leads me to suspect that the presence or absence of units of measurement might play a role in this issue.

  • Error Logs: No relevant errors have been observed in the logs, which further complicates troubleshooting.

  • InfluxDB Data Access: Currently, I do not have the ability to directly inspect the InfluxDB database to verify the presence or absence of the expected data.

  • Software Versions: I’m unsure if there are any version-specific issues or compatibility problems that might be affecting the data transfer.

I’m particularly interested in understanding whether the issue with units of measurement is known and if there are workarounds or solutions to ensure all relevant sensor data are correctly transferred and displayed in Grafana.

Any insights, suggestions, or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Found solution in Missing sensors in InfluxDB - #2 by WeeBull