yesterday I have setup influxDB and Grafana which works so far. The influxDB gets populated but its missing some sensors. For example a Fibaro Z-Wave Multi-Sensor creates the following sensors in in HA:
“SELECT mean("value") FROM "lux" WHERE "entity_id" = 'fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_luminance_17_3' AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)”
so it should be “FROM lux” and not “FROM sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001…”.
The temperature sensor creates a “°C” table respectively.
You distinguish the sensors by further choosing “entity_id = your specific sensor”.
Recycling this thread as my question fits in here …
How do you add additional sensor data to the same graph (e.g. temperature living room, temperature basement)? The °C table in influxdb already contains the data I want to be displayed, but I’ve only managed to create graphs containing a single sensor. Example: (load (in %) of both CPU and memory within the same graph)
@tmeringer Just add the same query multiple times to one graph and just change the entiy ids of the sensors you want to use, see my tempearture graph for example: