InfluxDB: Removing or deleting data

I struggle a lot with deleting a single wrong reading from my InfluxDB. Can anyone help me out with all correct references (i am a noob in queries)?

Query format needed:
USE “energy”; DELETE FROM “Solar” WHERE (“Calculated” = “sajoostvermogen”) AND time > “2024-04-11 14:24:00” AND time < “2024-04-11 14:28:00”

Database format:

How do I get to the right location with this query?

I get an error message with the delete query.
“error parsing query : retention policy not supported at line 1, char 1”

Unable to delete!
I have this (running) query:

SELECT "value" FROM "hass-gar-beb"."autogen"."kWh" WHERE "entity_id"='gar_inverter_produzione_giornaliera' AND "value"> 70

And have tried this one:
USE "hass-gar-beb"."autogen"; delete FROM "kWh" WHERE "entity_id"="gar_inverter_produzione_giornaliera" AND "value">70

and this:
USE "hass-gar-beb"; delete FROM "kWh" WHERE "entity_id"="gar_inverter_produzione_giornaliera" AND "value">70

With or without quotes on “70”, my query is correct, but returned no results… (4 tries)

So, i’ve written down the time windows, selected it into the Dashboard time picker, and:

USE "hass-gar-beb"."autogen"; delete FROM "kWh" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND time < :upperDashboardTime: AND "entity_id"="gar_inverter_produzione_giornaliera"

…with or without the .autogen, it always tells me the shyntax is correct, but returned no results…

what am i missing?

Edit: Naturally the data is still there, so no “Only warning message”

We’ve been through this above.

Did it delete the the ones you wanted?

of course i relaunch the select query after every try, they’re still there!