I think I am close, I just got to figure out how to check the difference, then use that information to adjust the input slider to match the thermostat.
So here is my thought process, and I apologize if my posts are annoying long. I try to post how I proceeded through things so that if I goof someone can point out where my logic went wrong and why I came to the wrong answer. So, that said:
Returns back the set point temperature of the thermostat. Whereas:
Returns the value of the input slider position.
The input slider should change the set point of the thermostat, which it does, but it also needs to get the set point from the thermostat and update its position to that of the thermostat should they differ. So that leads me to think that you have the order correct in your value template statement and it therefore should look like this:
{{ states.climate.trane_model_tzemt400ab32maa_heating_1_34_1.attributes.temperature != states.climate.trane_model_tzemt400ab32maa_heating_1_34_1.attributes.temperature }}
One would āthinkā that if that were put into the template editor it would return true or false depending on whether or not the two differed. However, when I tried this, it was always returning one or the other (I tested this last year, how long do you expect me to remember, LOL) whether or not they were the same or not.
I believe I was also able to get the to and from states working. The little notes I wrote down show:
{{ states.input_select.hvac_target_temp.to_state != states.input_select.hvac_target_temp.from_state }}
That I do not recall now what kind of return I got on that (again, this was last year, LOL) I just recall it was not giving me any errors.
So, at this point I hope someone can come along and give me whatever missing piece(s) there are because I am at a point I am not sure what else to do or how to do it.
That said, I do want to say @turboc, thank you immensely for your help thus far. I try to put forth the effort so that anyone comes along sees that I am not trying to just get it done for me, I want to figure it out also so I can, at some point, stand on my own with this. Though, doing all this, leaves me wishing the HA developers would have used Python as the configuration language as well. It seems like it would have been so much easier, far more resources in which to draw from, etc. But then again, how many people would have tried HA if it were Python instead of Yaml.
Anyway, I will leave this here until later today when I get off work.