exactly! - this is also why I said earlier that you will have to solve for the service template; I currently have the same situation and use 2 separate sliders. I built a card for heating and one for cooling. I was going to attempt to hide them, but you’ve given me a new idea if the service template will work.
Your current sensor should be:
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ states.climate.trane_model_tzemt400ab32maa_heating_1_34_1.attributes.temperature | int }}"
friendly_name: "Heating Setpoint"
then use that sensor value in the automation to return the slider. Taking that a step further, you’ll create another sensor for cooling:
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ states.climate.trane_model_tzemt400ab32maa_cooling_1_34_2.attributes.temperature | int }}"
friendly_name: "Cooling Setpoint"
and use the service template method to call either one in your automation (in theory, I’ve not tested that yet).
When you get it working, please post the final version here so we can see!