Input_select as a lovelace card name:


i am wondering if it is possible to show an input_select value as a name in the lovelace card for the generic thermostat.

I have an input_select called current_active_room which is the room i am current using as the target temperature and it would be good to show this as pain text in the thermostat card. i don’t want it to show as a dropdown just the text e.g. “Bedroom”, “Living Room”, etc.

  - entity: climate.heating
    type: thermostat
    name: {{ state('input_select.current_active_room') }}

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Yes, using a custom card.

Thank you very much (sorry for the delay in replying), for anyone else who wants to do this the json (once custom card templater is setup) is:

type: 'custom:card-templater'
  type: thermostat
  entity: climate.heating
  name_template: '{{ states("input_select.current_active_room") }}'
entity: climate.heating
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