Input slider to HEX MQTT message

I want to set up an input slider who’s value is used in an MQTT message.

Slider will have 0-255 positions
And this need to control the last 2 characters of the payload

Payload needs to be 000000XX where XX is a value from 00 - FF taken from the slider.

I can set up the slider and can send the mqtt message with a fixed payload.

Can anyone help to link the slider to the payload in the correct format.

Does this help:

Thanks for the info.

Tried using the template tool but can’t create a valid script.

Can anyone offer more detail.

You dont put scripts in the template tool. It’s for evaluating templates only.

If you put this in the template editor what do you get as the result:

{% set value = states.input_number.your_input_number.state | int %}
{{ "%+0x" | format( value | int }}

Think you are missing a ) after int in 5he second line.

This give me the hex for the slider value with a leading + (ie +FF)

How can I amend this to give 6 leading 0s insted of + (ie 000000FF)

This could then be used to pass to the mqtt message.

Oops, yes sorry about the missing bracket. There’s probably an easier way to do it but this should format it how you want

{% set value = states.input_number.your_input_number.state | int %}
{{ "%+0x" | format( value ) | int }}
{{ value | replace("+", "000000") }}

) is still in the wrong place need to be after the int or the result is 0

{% set value = states.input_number.your_input_number.state | int %} 
{{ "%+0x" | format( value  | int )}}

The last line

{{ value | replace("+", "000000") }}

does not work the returned result is back to 255. ( or whatever the original value was)

Wandering if value needs converting to a string first before doing the replace but don’t know if this is right or how to do it.

Help so far is great while i try to learn the basics of templates.

Hopefully this should work:

payload template: "000000{{ "%0x" | format( states.input_number.your_input_number.state | int ) | string }}"

Using this give me an error when checking the config file.

Configuration invalid CHECK CONFIG

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while scanning for the next token found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token in “/config/automations.yaml”, line 1173, column 36

Sorry for all the questions but definitely a noob when it comes to value templates and trying to learn by example

payload template

Should be


I did spot that one.

Tried both ways but configuration check still give the same error.

Tried running this in the templates dev tool and it does output as i need.

Just can’t make it work in the payload_template

Solved it

I have changed the double quotation marks around the %0x to singles and it now works

working line reads as

payload template: "000000{{ '%0x' | format( states.input_number.your_input_number.state | int ) | string }}"

Thanks for the help to get me to this point.

Well done. Glad you got it sorted. Yeah sorry, that’s a rule I forgot to follow (single quotes inside double quotes).