Input Timer to Turn Off Power Plug - Help with Basic Setup Please

@ [pedolsky: I spotted the reason it was just showing as idle. My timer is named timer.timer_meross_05 and not.timer_meross_05, oops!
It works and now shows the duration as per set on the Input number.

Different Issue now: It is interpreting the 1 miin set on the “input number” helper as seconds hence immediately turns off. Is there a way to have the timer see the number as minutes?

36 seconds left, timer counts down to 0.

If you mean that you turn on your Meross and the timer doesn’t start, then please post your automation code.

Sorry I edited my above reply…see above.

Ah ha, I fixed it by doing a quick search. I adjusted the Automation part.
FROM: {{ states(‘input_number.meross_05_on’) |int(0) }}
TO: {{ states(‘input_number.meross_05_on’) |int * 60 }}

Now to absorb it all and see what I can do with everything you both provided. Thank you so much, very much appreciated.

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