Installed a ratgdo, now getting error on my wall control


I have setup a ratgdo (MQTT mode) to control my garage door - and it works fine. I love that the button can still be used and that it will still operate if the ratgdo crashes - preserving full local operation. However, from time to time my wall control shows the error “press the push bar to activate control”.

If I press the button, the control reactivates but the garage door does not activate. Pressing a second time operates the door.

This is huring my WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) as she complains that sometimes she has to press the button twice.

I suspect the ratgdo is causing the keying of the button to get out of sync - and two presses are needed to resync the button. Does anyone have a solution?

My main thought is to replace the button with a dumb button (connected to the ratgdo’s button input) - but this will remove the motion sensor. I’d like to keep that if possible. It would also break in-garage light control as well as remove the redundancy of still having the local button working if the ratgdo crashes.

Any other ideas to consider?

Thank you!

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Bad connection? Recheck wiring.

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Wiring checked a few times now - it was my first suspicion. I think I’l try creating a soldered wire harnace instead so that I only have a single wire going into each connector - I am suspicious about some of the doubled up wires since one is solid core and the other is stranded.

Just hopefully confirming this is not something to expect with the ratgdo?

That message generally comes after power outage. Could it be low voltage? How long is wire run?

It’s about 15 or so feet. The button worked seamlessly prior to installing the ratgdo - no issues like this at all. I have not re-checked the wiring again to confirm no lose wires as I will be creating a wiring harness to enable only a single wire to be inserted in any connector. I am hoping this will resolve the issue.

I am having this same issue. I tried running both through the bypass wiring configuration for red and black on the board as well as “doubling up” at all 3 wire locations (red, white, and black). Connections appear to be solid. Maybe I need thicker wiring to pass through higher voltages more reliably?

You know - that’s a solid idea!

I re-wired mine earlier to ensure solid connections. Now - only one wire is in each terminal for more reliability. Still having the issue. The only common element is the very thin wires supplied with the ratgdo kit - and not using the onboard bypass. Those are a couple of changes next for me to test.

Were you able to resolve this issue? I’m having the same problem after a power outage. In my case, pressing the wall button does not reactivate control, and will not control the door no matter how many times I press it. I can still control the door from the RATGDO.

I have a very similar issue with my LiftMaster garage door opener and wall panel. Randomly the wall panel stops working and says “Press the push bar to activate control. See user manual”.

Pressing the button on the wall panel 3-4 times in a row gets it to work again for maybe a few hours to a day or so and then the same thing repeats.
As others have mentioned I can control the garage door fine via ratgdo. I double-checked the wiring with a volt meter and it seems to have good continuity. Curious if anyone has found a solution. Not a deal breaker, but mildly annoying.

Bad connection

Check the wires to it to make sure they not damaged, loose or corroded

When I was installing the ratgdo on a Genie yellow button model, I noticed that, even twisted together tightly, the wires tended to separate, so I soldered each pair and have not had a problem.

I was pretty happy to delete myq from my phone and just use home assistant, which has been 100% reliable so far, which makes it better than myq – plus no ads! Ratgdo is a pretty great addition to HA.

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Well, after all troubleshooting - it’s still happening.

Honestly, I think it’s either a firmware or a Security+ thing. IT appears the rolling code get’s out of sync between the wall button and the GDO when the ratgdo is in the middle. The multiple presses of the button then resync the code position, allowing the button to work again.

Very frustrating.

I am thinking about giving up on the ‘smart’ wall button and putting a dumb one there connected to the ratgdo. However - it would violate the main principal I have - that the button should work if the ratgdo is broken. By using the push button input on the ratgod this would not work.

Any other ideas? Can the gdo have seperate rolling code sequences with the wall button and the ratgdo - or do they always share possibly causing a sync issue?

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I too have the issue and it started after some time the ratgdo was installed, and I believe the issue became way more frequent after one of the larger updates. Mine does it randomly and not after outages. Also, at the same time my car"s homelink started not working very often (mostly closing when leaving as opening when I arrive seems to always work… in other words homelink fails after I open the GDO using the wall button). If there isn’t a github issue, we need to create one to figure out what is going on.

GitHub for ratgdo has issue tracking and discussion disabled GitHub - PaulWieland/ratgdo, so not sure where to post.

To confirm that my wiring is not the issue, I left all my wiring as-is but simply unplugged the power from the ratgdo. The wall panel has been working fine for days and this is with the ratgdo still wired in (but basically just acting as passthrough it seems). I’ll try a different power supply to power the ratgdo, but don’t think that’ll fix the issue.

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GitHub - ratgdo/esphome-ratgdo: ratgdo for ESPHome or GitHub - ratgdo/mqtt-ratgdo: ratgdo via mqtt as appropriate.

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I posted on the ratgdo github and want to follow up here. The consensus is that old wall panels may need to have their capacitors replaced (my wall panel is 20 years old) but I haven’t tried that yet. The recommendation in general was to buy a new wall panel, which runs about $50 right now.

Instead of doing that, I installed another older wall panel I was able to get my hands on for free. It’s 10 years old. It does not suffer from the issue mentioned in this thread if I disable the panel’s motion sensor to turn on the light. As soon as I turn that motion sensor on the issue rears its ugly head every few hours or so.
Now I’m wondering if the same is true for my 20 year old panel, but I haven’t tried that yet. It had the motion sensor enabled and I never tried to turn it off.

we’ve just installed 2 of these at a customers house and found the same problem. From what i am hearing the ratgdo drops the voltage in the wall control very slightly and they are very sensitive to voltage change and it causes it to reboot now if anyone has a idea on how to fix that please message me lol i hate installing a new product to fix a problem and finding new problem and of course the jobsite is 2hrs turn around time f*** My Q

I would say one solution would be to install a voltage regulator IC to counter the amount dropped to keep it stable on a per system install basis based on if its needed or not at the time.