Installing HA on SSD on Raspi

I’ve installed HA on an SSD on a RasPi …

but I keep getting I/O errors on this SSD …

… and the RasPi eventually completely crashes after a few hours (can’t even ping it anymore)

I’ve now already tried 2 different SSD’s …

What am I doing wrong ?

Can you take us through the steps you took?

I followed the tutorial from “mostlychris” on Youtube … to set the RasPi to boot from USB/SSD …

Then I created the SSD with the RasPi Imager and choose “other specific OS” and choose “Home Assistant 11.4 RPI4” …

The RasPi is a 4 with 2GB Ram

Is the power supply an official one? Most issues with pi’s are due to sd card or power supply. We can eliminate the sd card as you are not using one. Power supplies can struggle with powering a USB SSD so might be worth trying a powered USB hub for the SSD.

I am just guessing as you seemed to have installed HA OK, and it all seems to be working so no software issues.

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Agreed. How is the SSD attached and what are you powering this with.

This looks like a power driven disk error

the system is now being powered by my Lab-power supply for testing … so there should be enough juice now …

will keep monitoring …

Don’t assume

Rpi can Only provide USB spec power 5v at 2.5a on the internal bus no matter what your bench supply is.

SSDs easily overrun that demand on an Rpi. I usually recommend using external USB power for all USB attached devices in a Pi for this reason.



I applied this hack and it ran for 48 hours without any problems …

I even monitored the “Raspi power supply” in HA and no outages or problems …

… so I thought it was fixed …

But then crashed again (yesterday evening) …

I rebooted it, and now (the next morning) it’s still running fine …

you think this hack might be unreliable ?

For any others landing on this post, you need to check this extensive thread here: Installing Home Assistant on a RPi 4b with SSD boot

I followed these instructions 3 years ago and still going strong.

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